Why are Canadians Avoiding Online Dispensaries?
Canada was the first major global economy to legalize Marijuana for recreational use. This was a great move, and today, they have made it even better by allowing the purchase of weed online for people of 19 years and above. The government also legalized the sale of weed extracts such as edibles and lotions online, thus providing citizens with an excellent opportunity to explore. But how is the online industry thriving so far?
Ecommerce is continuously rising in popularity, up 21.1% in Canada last year. For starters, both buyers and sellers find online shopping to be super convenient and timesaving. Internet shopping gives consumers a platform where they can access whichever product they need, and Marijuana is not an exception.
Despite the numerous benefits, when it comes to Canadians buying weed online there is still some hesitation. You will find that most still prefer buying the product offline, as they are not satisfied or confident with the online stores, making them hesitant to give their credit card details.
Many Canadians have shown their discomfort regarding purchasing weed online. Studies have revealed that about 80 percent of Canadians prefer buying cannabis from offline stores, which is a bit confusing considering how much convenient internet shopping can be. According to a survey done regarding this subject, here are some of counter reasons that Canadians buy they gave as to why they prefer buying Marijuana in tangible outlets over online dispensaries.
They want to feel and touch the product
The buyers are afraid of buying poor quality Marijuana online, and they prefer touching and smelling the strain to ensure that it is the real deal.
They are afraid of scammers
As much as there are online sellers out there who have the consumers’ best interest at heart, some are only after making money from them. Online shopping is all about trust. You are about to buy something that you have not seen, and you, therefore, need a reliable and trustworthy seller to entrust with your money and details. The main challenge, however, comes in determining which seller to trust and which one to stay away from. This is why some buyers prefer going to a physical shop instead.
Some do it for the ambiance
Some Marijuana users prefer going to physical stores simply for the ambiance as they get the opportunity to discuss more the product with other buyers. They get to interact and share their favorite strains. Also, some stores hold promotional events from time to time, where they offer great deals and discounts, and buyers love them.
These are the main reasons why some individuals still prefer buying Marijuana in offline stores over online dispensaries. However, they should look at the bigger picture to realize the numerous benefits that come with online dispensaries all from privacy, saving money, time and that they get access to a range of products and extracts. It is a matter of taking the time to look for a trustworthy and reputable online dispensary, and everything will be worthwhile. Read the full article at