Network Security Programs and Data Breaches
Today’s network security is riddled with hacking, data loss and breaches, and cyber-attacks. But the number of data theft has been doubled in recent years. The severity and consequences of data breaches have made network security a topic of highly important, especially for current and prospective certified IT trained professionals.
Network security is the branch of cyber security that is defined as the practice of defending against unauthorized access to computer networks and to their associated devices. This process involves the protection of network servers and devices from external threats, simultaneously taking steps to secure the digital network.
Cyber degree hub makes it easier for the students to take up cyber security as a preferred career option. The changes in IT operations force organizations to implement new security strategies. Migrating to a cloud provider, adding new mobile devices, or focusing on data analytics are examples of change in IT operations that require new security tactics.
Why is Network Security so Important these days?
Network security plays one of the most vital roles in maintaining the integrity of the data, the privacy of the organization, and the employees. Network security starts with basic practices like creating strong passwords or fully log out of community computers and to the most intricate & high-level processes to keep the networks and devices safe. Today, more number of organizations store sensitive information online and they can be accessed unauthorized way. Cyber degree hub can be handy for cyber security aspirants.
Network security is central to keep sensitive data safe. As there is a sharing of a considerable amount of private data online and stored in vulnerable devices, the importance of network security is growing. Adequate protection to the network and their associated connected devices requires comprehensive network training and a complete understanding of how networks are actually working. The cyber degree hub is the place where can find about those training courses.
What are common network vulnerabilities?
- Improper installation of the hardware or the software
- Not updating Operating systems or firmware
- Misuse of the hardware or the software
- Low standard of physical security
- Insecure/ weak passwords
- Designing flaws in a device OS or in the network
Important physical safety concerns
- Keeping the network servers and the devices in a secure location
- Denial of open access to that location and to the members of your organization
- Using of CCTV surveillance to prevent and detect unauthorized access to that location
Types of Network Security Risks or Data Breaches
- Data Theft: Data theft is also known as data infiltration and it occurs when the attacker uses unauthorized means to gain access to the private data from the network. In this case, mostly stolen login details are used.
- Insider Threat: Insider threats arise out of misdeeds committed by come from employees within an organization.
- Malware Attacks: The malware attack is all about installing a nasty code (malware) or unauthorized software to the network device.
- Password Attacks: This type of attacks involves the illegitimate use of e a password. The hacker may get by stealing, guessing or cracking the password.
- Social Engineering: These types of attacks are the result of trapping or luring someone to give their private information or credit card details.