7 Tips for a Great Spring Clean in Your Home
The arrival of spring means you can bid a hearty “Adieu!” to the cold weather. It brings warmer days, more sun and the rebirth of nature.
Spring makes everyone want to have fresh beginnings and attack those new routines they want to see established. Unfortunately, spring typically also means it is time for some spring cleaning.
Are you feeling intimidated? You do not need to be overwhelmed. Cleaning may be a hassle, but these tips will help you get on top of it.
As with all things, having a plan for your spring cleaning will make things go that much smoother. Take stock of all the tasks that you need to get done.
You can classify them by type or by room or both. Whichever option helps you to visualise the work better. At the same time, you should prioritise the tasks that you have determined.
You can opt to start with small sections first. Alternatively, you can quickly tick tasks off as you like. It isn’t 100% compulsory to stick strictly to your plan.
Make a Schedule
This can help you to determine when you can finish up. At the same time, it can also work to give the right tasks to the right people.
Remember, there is no real need to rush through your spring cleaning. Give yourself the time to do things slowly but steadily. You can always take breaks.
Organise and Declutter
When you have the time for it, remember to organise your things in addition to cleaning the house. Arranging your items can help to clear your mind and your space.
Decluttering can also keep messes small and future cleaning tasks short. Like Marie Kondo says, if it does not spark joy, thank it then get rid of it.
Go Top to Bottom
This is a tip that everyone should keep in mind. Always clean from top to bottom. Start from your ceilings and work your way down.
This way, any dirt, dust or debris will end up on your floors by the time you start on them. Do not give yourself extra work. Save yourself the time and effort that will be consumed if you ignore or forget this trick.
Keep Yourself Safe
Safety first! Always have supplies such as face masks and gloves ready when you clean. This is especially true when it comes to cleaning up spaces with lots of dust.
Besides, cleaning fluids can be very strong and sensitive skin may react badly.
Go Below the Surface
One of the errors that people often make when spring cleaning is that they only do a surface job. A quick cleaning job might make your place look nice, but a house tends to require much more than that.
Remember to clean your windows and walls. Dust and cobwebs can collect there, and you do not want that. Refresh your floors by taking by a floor sanding service, which can completely change the way your floors look and feel.
You can clean the air too. Replace your A/C filters and have a tune-up also. This way, there will be less dust and debris to settle on your newly-cleaned furniture.
Switch Things Up
Beyond cleaning, you can also take this opportunity to switch things up in the house. You do not have to completely redecorate or anything. You can change throw pillow covers, add or move a rug.
Rearranging your decorations can be fun for the whole family. Doing this will ultimately give your home a new look for spring and the rest of the year to come.
I’m Jaylin: SEO Expert of Leelija. and full time blogger. Favourite things include my camera, traveling, caring my fitness, food and my fashion. Email id: editor@leelija.com