Hair Miniaturization: What Is It & 8 Ways To Help Stop It
Hair miniaturization means the thinning of hair or, more commonly, balding. It’s a medical condition that is very common among men. It begins to show at middle-age. If you think your hair might be getting thinner and weaker, then it’s a good idea to go for a check-up. Ensure that you visit a decent clinic like Gro UK Clinics that can give you proper advice and medication.
What is Hair Miniaturization?
Hair miniaturization means the constriction of hair follicles, which results in diminished hair growth. Many people know this condition by its more common names, such as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. As mentioned before, it is more common among men; however, it affects individuals of all sexes. If you suspect that you might be losing hair at an unnatural pace, then you should not delay getting treatment.
There can be many causes of this medical condition. The most common ones include genetics, age, and the DHT hormone. If baldness and receding hairlines run in your family, then you will have to deal with them sooner or later. If that is the case with you, you must take extra care of your hair. The sooner you act, the better your chances will be of saving your hair. With age, our hair growth rate decreases, so baldness becomes inevitable. Whatever the cause may be, you can defeat this condition and come out on top.
Signs of Hair Miniaturization
There are unmissable signs of this condition. These include:
- A receding hairline.
- Thinning of hair at the crown
- A lot of hair fall. You can check this by examining your pillow, comb, or in the shower.
- A widening part.
8 Ways to Help Stop It
If you recognize those signs, then it’s a good idea to act as soon as possible. Here are 8 ways to help stop hair miniaturization:
1: Reduce the Production of 5-Alpha-Reductase in Your Body
The DHT hormone is one of the most common triggers behind baldness. It is produced when 5-Alpha-Reductase, an enzyme, mixes with testosterone. Otherwise, DHT isn’t present in the human body. Thus, you can stop its production by inhibiting the 5-Alpha-Reductase enzyme. Start consuming reishi mushrooms and saw palmetto to reduce the production of this enzyme.
2: Remove DHT from Scalp
DHT can get mixed with dirt and get trapped in dead skin cells on your scalp. To remove it, you will require a mixture of Celtic sea salt, powdered activated charcoal, and lemon juice. Combine half a tablespoon of the salt with 1 tablespoon charcoal and juice of 1 whole lemon. Massage your scalp with this mixture, let it rest for 10 minutes, and then rinse it off gently. You can also go on another route altogether and remove DHT externally.
3: Increase Blood Circulation
Proper blood circulation is essential for healthy hair and scalp. To increase the blood flow, you will have to alter your whole lifestyle. Avoid unhealthy food, and get regular massages. Along with that, make use of herbs such as Vatta Dosha and Pitta Dosha. Yoga can greatly increase blood circulation in your whole body.
4: Scalp Massages
Scalp massages are necessary for a healthy scalp and a faster rate of hair growth. Use essential oils when you massage your scalp. Do it gently as you will not want to damage your already-weakened hair. Scalp massages only take five to ten minutes, and you can do them yourself. Of course, you can get a scalp massage from a professional on the weekends to treat yourself.
5: Microneedling Therapy
Microneedling therapy is a method to reverse hair miniaturization. It involves the making of small wounds on the scalp. As these wounds heal, new skin cells and follicles are formed. Thus, the rate of growth of hair returns to normal.
6: Avoid Chemical Hair Products
Many mainstream chemical-laden hair products in the market are quite damaging to the scalp. Try changing your products to see if balding is a side-effect of those products. Switch to organic alternatives and home remedies for shampooing and washing your hair.
7: Go for Regular Check-ups
It is essential that you regularly visit your trichologist. A trichologist can keep a check on the health of your hair and scalp. They can also prescribe appropriate medication and give you advice that can help you battle this condition.
8: Change Your Diet
Last but not least, you will have to make some serious changes to your diet. Avoid any food that decreases blood circulation. Make sure that you consume a lot of protein as it helps with hair growth. Consume a plant-based diet, and make sure that your diet is fiber-rich.