22 Heart Touching I Love You Quotes
Love is a word that is used to express different feelings. It has a lot of meanings. Love can happen with brother and sisters, father, mother, cousins and other relations in life. It combines different persons into a single relation. Some people can’t explain this word, but they can show love to their beloved one by actions.In Islam, Love for stranger girl is not allowed. however it is allowed for your wife. Love for a lover is different than other relations it may cause you happiness or sadness. People every where even around us are falling in love. Love quotes help a person to express his/her feelings and thoughts for beloved one even when you can’t think of words or words refuse to flow out. It happens mostly when you can’t think of what to say and feel like words stuck around your mind and you are unable to write them down. Every Person is not born as a poet or writer, but anyone can choose. So there are a lot of love quotes available. So choose a love quote that you think truly describing your situation and heart feelings. Let these love quotes help you getting out of the situation of uncertainty. So whatever the occasion is whether it is valentines day or his/her birthday simply choose a Love quote and write it down on the card and send it with chocolates.Today I am sharing my collection of love quotes for Lovers. All of these images have been taken from Google / Bing and other Image stores. You Don’t need to search them.