The Benefits of Content Marketing for Your Business
Content marketing aims to create valuable, relevant content that educates, enlightens, or prods web visitors in a particular direction. Rather than directly introducing your products and services to customers, it seeks to, indirectly, under-the-radar, push your business’s value proposition to clients. Great content builds trust with web visitors and connects in a way that makes them feel valued. A digital marketing strategy has content marketing as the foundation of the rest of the sales funnel. Below are five benefits of content marketing for your business.
1. It Boosts Your Web Traffic
A great SEO strategy must begin with a solid content strategy. You must be serious about content marketing to drive relevant traffic to your website. According to Liberty Interactive Marketing, the most effective SEO tactic is to create relevant content, as attested by 72% of marketers worldwide. The good thing is that Google places websites with original, relevant, and helpful content at the top of the search engine results page (SERP). As you generate valuable, unique content, other high-authority websites will seek to link back to your site, further enhancing your visibility on search engines.
2. Drives More Sales
With increased visibility in search engines, you’ll see more action in your sales funnel as traffic translates into leads and leads turn into sales. The good thing about this is that you make a sale and put your business in front of thousands of potential customers. The trick is to ensure the content you’re putting out there is unique and helpful. Whether they convert or not, it should at least benefit them.
You must also constantly refresh your content and redesign your website. The last thing you want is to pitch stale content on a dull website that looks as it did ten years ago. According to research and several surveys, you should redesign your company’s website every two or three years, as 62% of marketing companies advise. Ultimately, effective content marketing converts, sometimes immediately and at other times later on.
3. Improved Customer Service
Think about the number of times your customer service staff have to answer the same question. Most likely, they do this daily. However, you can cut the back-and-forth by posting an informative blog about your business or service’s most frequently asked questions. This is an effective way of providing better customer service as most people first seek answers via online queries. As your blog answers routine FAQs about your business, your staff can focus on crucial matters.
4. Great Content Positions Your Business as an Authority in Your Industry
If there’s an attribute that sells, then it’s the product or service authority. Suppose potential customers see your company as the place to go for credible, actionable information. In that case, they’ll troop to your site before checking out the competition, and if your content is good, then they’ll stay. With more content authority, Google will look kindly at your web pages and rank them higher in search engines.
5. Build’s Brand Awareness
The unique way to build brand awareness for your business is to incorporate content marketing into your digital marketing strategy. To make your brand stand out in a crowded marketplace, incorporate what HubSpot calls the Surround Sound Strategy. This strategy aims to make your content or brand visible wherever your potential buyers are, not just to rank higher in the search engines.
The best way of implementing this strategy is to blog on topics of interest to your customers to get them to connect your excellent content to your strong brand. Ultimately, you’ll increase your brand’s awareness by developing cutting-edge content that people are eager to share across various platforms. According to The Social Shepherd, content curation and creation are two of the most popular digital marketing skills, at 42%, after digital advertising (45%).
Effective content marketing must demonstrate your expertise in the niche. It must answer your web visitors’ questions as accurately and precisely as possible. To understand how effective your web content is, incorporate content-scoring metrics into your campaigns. As you measure the impact of your content, continuously tweak and improve it by offering more excellent value to your target audience.