Finding the Best Deals and Rebates from Your NSW Electricity Provider
Australia follows an open grid model where electricity generators, distributors, and retailers participate in the National electricity market. Australian consumers are free to select electricity providers NSW.
Many electricity retailers offer deals and rebates to consumers that reduce electricity bills and help save money in the long run. Here are a few suggestions to get the best deals and rebates from your electricity retailer in NSW.
Family Energy Rebate
As per recent data, the NSW population in 2021 is estimated to be around 8.2 million. The NSW retailers offer a Family Energy rebate to households having dependent children. The rebate is given to families to cover the cost of their energy bills. However, you need to meet the eligibility requirements specified for the rebate.
Eligibility Requirements
The rebate is only given to NSW residents. It would help if you were an account holder with electricity providers in NSW to apply for the Family Energy Rebate. Another crucial eligibility requirement is that the applicant should receive Family Tax Benefit (FTB) in the previous year.
The applicant or family member also needs to have an entitlement to FTB payments finalised by Centrelink. The registered FTB recipient should apply for the Family Energy Rebate.
Low Income Household Rebate
According to 2011 ABS Census data, the median income in Sydney is around $1,444 per week or $75,088 per annum. For other regions in NSW, the median income is $1233 per week or $64,116 per annum.
If a NSW resident earns more than 50% but less than 80% of Sydney’s or NSW median income, the individual is considered to earn a low income.
The LIHR or Low Income Household Rebate applies to low-income families. The rebate is provided as a credit on quarterly energy bills, up to $285 per year.
You can receive LIHR only once per year. It is available to both supply and retail customers. Fulfil specific eligibility requirements to get a Low Income Household Rebate.
Eligibility Requirements
The LIHR is only available to NSW residents, and you need to be an account holder with the NSW electricity retailer to get it. The applicant needs to have one of the following documents.
- Health Care Card issued by Services Australia
- Pensioner Concession Card issued by Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs
- Women holding DVA Gold Card marked with War Widower Pension or War Widow
- Individuals having DVA Gold Card with ‘Disability Pension’ (EDA) or ‘Totally and Permanently Incapacitated’ (TPI)
To apply for LIHR, you need to call your NSW electricity retailer, provide your Health Card or concession card details, and ask for NSW Low Income Household Rebate. You need to also ask the energy retailer about the confirmation of the LIH rebate applied to your account.
Life Support Rebate
The Life Support Rebate is available to NSW households with a family member who needs to use approved energy-intensive medical equipment at home. Some of the approved medical equipment that qualifies for life support rebates are oxygen concentrators, ventilators, home dialysis, and other life-supporting medical equipment.
Eligibility Requirements
It helps if you get a certificate/assessment from a registered healthcare practitioner to verify the usage of life-supporting equipment at your residence.
To sum up, these are rebates and discounts provided by NSW electricity providers that can help save money.