Everything in Its Place: How to Stay Organized
Learning how to stay organized is a skill that only serves you and your goals. There’s nothing more frustrating or limiting to a person’s potential inside of any given scenario than a lack of organization. Now, that’s not to say that very successful people can’t be disorganized, or that organization is a trademark of success, but as a skill, it does have a large ROI.
Learning how to stay organized is not something that comes naturally to all people, and it’s important to remember that if you struggle with being organized there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Good organization is not a prerequisite for happiness or success, but it is a skill that is worth taking the time to learn. No matter who you are, whether you are more type A and organization comes naturally to you, or you are laid back and prefer to go with the flow, basic organizational skills have a payoff.
What’s the Frist Step To Being Organized?
One of the first steps to becoming more organized actually deals with the core skill of organization in general, and that’s taking inventory. Taking inventory is a huge part of staying organized and structured. Whether that comes down to spacial organization, time organization, or even mental and emotional organization. What are you working with? Where are you at? What is doing just fine and what needs to improve? Lastly, what kinds of tools do you need to accomplish your goals.
One of the first steps to taking inventory is to set up the specific goals that you want to accomplish. This is a huge part of the process. Identify the areas of your life that you think need more organizational attention, and then set clear, understandable goals to get there.
One powerful way of doing this is to write out the different aspects of your life that you think need support in this area. Go to your favorite coffee shop or your favorite park bench, find some alone time and just think through your day-to-day life. What are you happy with, and what are you not? What areas could you change and how would you do it?
Once you have an idea of what kind of goals you can set, the path to getting there is a lot easier to begin to uncover.
Start Small: Everything in Its Place
One of the most powerful ways you can improve the organization in your life is to have the proper tools to do the job. One of the challenges of learning how to accomplish better organization is that it can seem daunting. What if you are naturally someone who struggles to structure, or better yet create it? How are you even supposed to know what kind of tools you need?
This is where the concept of starting small can really help. If you have your goals already mapped out and you know what macro areas of your life need better organization, then work your back. Starting small can look like making sure you have simple, effective daily tools that help you to practice good organizational skills. Winning these battles can help you develop the confidence you need to really hit those bigger organizational goals.
One such tool that you may be surprised can help to promote better organization in your life, is actually your wallet. Your wallet is a tool you use on a daily basis and is a constant touchpoint for your regular rhythms. You may not realize it, but an organized wallet can actually be a source of stress.
We’ve all been there where you’ve reached for your wallet and it’s so stuffed full of receipts, different cards, cash, and coinage that not only does it not fit in your pocket, but it’s impossible to navigate gracefully. This can create that awkward moment in the checkout line where you fumble through your wallet for too long trying to find exactly what you are looking for, and possibly even drop the contents of your wallet out onto the ground.
Having a high-quality, thoughtfully designed wallet will help you practice organization on a personal level. Sometimes, it’s not your fault as a wallet needs to be designed with organization in mind. A high-quality, well-designed wallet will help you keep what’s important in your life organized and accessible.
Conclusion: What’s a Good Wallet For Your Life?
Finding a wallet that will help you lead a more organized lifestyle starts with defining what you need out of a wallet. You should compromise on quality. This is a daily driver so invest in quality that will last and give the satisfaction you want. Also, decide what you use it for. Do you have cash constantly on hand? Do you have multiple credit cards? Are you attracted to minimalist design, or do you need something heftier and compartmentalized?
All of these questions will help you find the perfect wallet to fit your needs and help promote your journey to staying organized and keeping everything in its place.