Customer support trends for 2022
The ultimate goal of the human experience is to navigate life with ease and wonder. This is why generally, people will go the extra length to acquire services to their lives easier. Businesses realize this, which is why customer support services are a huge part of any business.
Furthermore, the times have truly changed with new customer support trends in 2022 hugely influenced by several global events like the Covid-19 Pandemic, The rise of Cryptocurrency, and the upsurge in Virtual Reality with many projects springing up in the virtual reality world known as the Metaverse.
This article aims to delineate the most interesting customer support trends for 2022.
What is Customer Support?
Customer Support is a group of people in a business who take on the role of helping customers when they are having issues with the company’s product. Usually, customer support personnel fulfill this need by providing information and liaising with relevant departments to help the customer reach their end goal.
Customer support is sometimes used interchangeably with customer service; however, they are not the same. While customer service is an umbrella term used to refer to all assistance that the company renders a customer, customer support is more of a personal nature. While a mall attendant may perform customer service by pointing you to certain aisles, they may not help you take your luggage to your car.
Customer support trends for 2022
1. VR-driven customer service: One of the core aims of customer service relations is to evolve to accommodate new facets of the human experience constantly. In 2022, there will likely be more exploration into the digital environment that people call the Metaverse. The Metaverse is a digital online environment where people can project versions of themselves to exist and interact with others in a digital reality. This development means that we may see innovations in how companies connect to new audiences as Virtual and Augmented realities are a vital aspect of the Metaverse.
2. Customer Experience Intensive Competitions: In 2022, we will likely witness more data-driven customer support explorations focused o on consumer experience. This evolution in customer support services is a breath of fresh air and progress from a cost-competitive industry. In an age where information is crucial, customer support services will try to collect as much data as possible on their clients to give them more personalized support to suit their immediate needs.
3. Smarter Customer Support Product and Services: Some of the most fascinating tech is wearable tech that tracks data. We use several carry-on tech in our daily activities to carry out data analysis and track our data. Customer support services can employ the collected data pertaining to vital aspects of our lives like medical information, browsing preferences, and location to provide rich and familiar customer support experiences.
4. Automation: The uptrend of automation in customer support services will continue. A significant number of companies already adopt customer support outsourcing services to make customer support more efficient. This trend is likely to see some modifications in the new year to fix some of the biggest problems in automation, like navigating complex menus and inaccurate voice recognition systems. In 2022 we can expect more evolved AI that’s more proficient at data recognition to create feedback and interact with customers more authentically.