The Best Meal Kits That’ll Help You Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
There are more than 100 meal kit companies offering delivery services to the recipients’ doorstep. All these meal kit options can vary but they have one thing in common – they utilize healthy ingredients. In this article, we’ll focus on two of the best meal kits: Hello Fresh Versus Sunbasket, and see how you can make them work for you (if you’re looking to lose a few pounds.)
Meal kits are designed to make cooking at home easier. Since the ingredients are included are healthy and the portions served are often standard, they help the consumers with weight loss and management. Keep reading to find out exactly how meal kits can help you shed a few pounds.
Hello Fresh Vs. Sunbasket
Hello Fresh offers healthy and balanced meal options that come with a nutrition label indicating the number of calories present. Ordering their meal kits is also easy and rather straightforward. This meal kit has a plan that’s exclusively suitable for vegetarians.
Sunbasket offers meal kits with fresh and healthy ingredients. Their meals revolve around a lean and clean diet that’s aimed at weight management. The weight loss plans offered are the Paleo meal plan, chef’s Choice, Gluten-Free (doesn’t contain gluten or dairy), Soy Free, and Vegetarian.
These two meal kits allow their customers to play around with the recipes by altering the ingredients to fit their needs. Other benefits of using these services include:
- It becomes so much easier to follow recipes because all the ingredients are prepped for you
- There’s no more guesswork. You know exactly how many calories you’re taking in
- You enjoy healthier and more delicious meals.
- The meal kits make it possible for you to resist temptations that come with craving junk food
- The pre-portioned ingredients help you prepare the right portions. This way you can keep up with your weight goals.
How to make meal kits work for you
Even though meal kits aren’t a complete weight loss regimen, they’re super helpful tools that offer a long-lasting solution as long as you stay on track. Healthy meals are a very important approach for sustainable weight loss and meal kits put the icing on the cake by giving you control over what you eat and the portions.
Are you wondering how a meal plan can help you to lose weight? The reality of these kits is that they’re designed to make it easy for you to prepare homemade meals. However, they’re a very healthy option which is helpful if you’re watching your caloric intake.
1. Ingredients are very important
The quality of ingredients used to prepare meal plans and their micronutrient balance are key, and that is where meal kits take the prize. A lot of meal kits like the two we discussed earlier are working hard to ensure that they provide their consumers with the ideal caloric intake and meal balance for shrinking their shape.
Cooking at home gives you so much control over what (ingredients) you eat and how the meal is prepared. This is yet another important approach for sustainable weight loss.
2. Portion sizes matter
One of the biggest challenges that most people struggle with is portion control. Most meal kits come with enough ingredients to prepare a meal for two. To avoid eating all the food you prepare, always seal and put away the extra half in the fridge before you even start eating – the more the steps you have to follow to get to it (removing from the storage container and warming in the microwave), the less likely it is for you to eat it. You will end up saving money because you got two meals out of one meal kit.