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Best Techniques To Prevent Fleas Targeting Your Home Or Yard

Fleas are very small and yet they can jump surprisingly high. The average flea can jump a height of 5 inches. This doesn’t sound a lot but when you consider it’s approximately 50 times their height it would be like the average human jumping 100m straight up. That’s like a person jumping the height of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan.

Most people think of fleas and think of their pets as being the targets. However, fleas can also bite humans and, they are known to carry a variety of diseases. In short, you need to keep them away from your home and yard. 

If you think you have a flea infestation you can learn more here about your local experts and get them to sort the issue out. 

Keep the Grass Short

The first step to keeping the fleas out of your home is to keep them out of your yard. As fleas like moisture and shade, the best starting point is to keep your grass cut short and make sure you don’t over-water it. In fact, this will help to keep a variety of pests away. 


If you talk to your local pest control experts you’ll discover a selection of pesticides that work but are harmless to your pets. It’s easy to find out more here. You can then apply the pesticides to the areas where your pets frequently walk. This is likely to kill fleas and make the area less appealing. Of course, it will need to be reapplied regularly.

Store Food Properly

Fleas aren’t attracted to the food in your home. However, many pests are and a wide variety of these will carry fleas. In other words, to help reduce the likelihood of fleas you need to keep other pests away. This is surprisingly easy if you store all open food packets in sealed containers and make sure there are no leaks or any standing water. Alongside this, vacuum the floors and disinfect the surfaces regularly. This will make your home unappealing to pests and they won’t bring fleas into your home. 

Seal The House

Alongside storing food, you can also prevent pests from entering by sealing your house properly. That means walking around the outside to find any cracks or gaps in the walls and then sealing them. Again, this will prevent pests from getting in and bringing fleas with them.

Regular Flea Treatment

If you have pets then you need to make sure they are regularly treated for fleas. They can pick up these nasty pests almost anywhere, that’s why it is important to treat your pets regularly, in accordance with your vet’s guidelines. If your pets are inhospitable to fleas they will find it much harder to survive in your yard or home. 

Final Thoughts

Fleas can bite humans and spread disease. Their bites are usually low on your leg and will probably go unnoticed until they start itching. It’s much easier to take a few preventative steps first and avoid having to deal with this painful issue.