30 Quotes That Will Change Your Life
Many people who read inspiring quotes, don’t actually comprehend the ideas behind them. They simply read the quote, receive a short burst of motivation, and then allow the spark to fade away. While reading the quotes below, try to think deeply about the message being portrayed. Take a moment to reflect on the ideas presented and try to infuse them into your reality. To give you an idea of what I mean, lets take a look at the quote below:
This old Italian proverb is very deep. In reality, the pawn and the king are equal. They are both made of simply plastic, they come from the same box, and are a part of the same game. Now let’s compare that to our current life. Every human being on planet Earth is equal, we all have the same basic human needs, we’re all made from flesh and bone, and we are all part of this game called life.
This quote goes even deeper by providing you with good moral values, if you choose to search for them. This is my take: You should always treat everybody the way you want to be treated, and you shouldn’t allow socially programmed ideas to alter your attitude/actions towards other people. I will always treat a homeless person the same way I would treat a quote on quote “celebrity,” or any other person who holds great wealth/power.