Want To Make Your Industrial Floor Last Longer? Follow These Steps
Put your thinking caps on, as we’re back with yet another quiz. What’s supposed to be one of the sturdiest elements of any habitat? The walls? No. The ceiling? Not really. Your answer is – the floor. This must’ve come off as a surprise, but let’s break the eggs for you – tough, robust flooring is the ultimate requirement for laying a strong foundation of any domain.
In fact, for industries, sturdy concrete flooring is nothing but a basic prerequisite. Besides being strong, another reason why concrete is the top flooring choice of industries is that it’s quite easy to maintain, a good 58.3% of folks admit this!
But no matter how tough or foolproof it is, just like everything, concrete floors also come with a list of dos and don’ts. And if you fail to take proper care of it, your concrete floor will suffer damage often, causing it to last shorter. So, take out your notebook as we enlist 5 tips that will make your industrial floor last longer:
1. Regular visual assessments are necessary
Top tip alert! There’s a famous saying which goes like this – ‘If you take care of things, they last’. Believe me or not, but the same goes for your concrete floors. Like said earlier, despite being amongst the sturdiest materials, concrete floors, especially those in industries, need to be taken care of very minutely.
The reason why, industrial floorings are far more prone to accidental damage like dropped objects and high temperature as opposed to our normal house floorings, which makes them more prone to damage.
So, the first thing you must do is conduct a visual assessment of your industrial floor every once in a while. Remember, the earlier you locate a damage, the easier it gets to contain it.
2. Promptly repair the damaged part of the floor
Now that you have finally located a damaged spot on the industrial concrete floor, without any further delay, take steps to repair it as soon as you can. Trust me when I say this, you’ll regret delaying the whole repair procedure once you find out how the dent ramps up in no time.
So, start off with getting the floor repaired if you don’t want the damage to gradually extend to the whole area. Begin with thoroughly cleaning the damaged spot. Then, coat it with a layer concrete binding agent and finally seal it with a mortar mix by Bayset. Lastly, let it dry completely.
3. Buffing the floor every once in a while, is important
If only there was a way, we could emphasize more on it! Buffing or sanding the concrete floors is very, very immaculately important. Just in case you don’t know this already, rough and bumpy concrete floors are nothing but an invitation for cracks and dents.
And with time, due to obvious wear and tear, concrete flooring tends to get coarse and jagged. The best you can do is get those floors buffed up and sanded in regular intervals. Especially, if you’ve repaired any part of the floor, don’t consider it finished unless you’ve buffed the area.
4. Keeping the floor clean is so crucial
Again, an industrial floor maintenance tip that is nothing short of gold! We know – no industrial floor is free from the risk of oil spills and chemical drips. In fact, if the chemical happens to be excessively acidic in nature, it tends to decay the floor, causing huge damage.
So, make sure you at least try keeping the floor clean and off chemical contact. If any harmful chemical anyway makes way to the floor despite all the care, clean it as soon as possible to contain the damage.
5. Finally, coat the floor with a base coat
Lastly, if you’ve recently repaired the concrete floor, make it a point to coat it up with a layer of base coat of your choice. There are many options available in the market – epoxy, urethane and what not. Some of them even guarantee a water-proof coating.
And while coating the industrial floor may sound miniscule, you will be shocked to find out just how largely it adds to the durability of the concrete floor.
Over to you…
Industrial floors are prone to a lot of damage. But then again, incurring flooring repair expenses every once in a while, is not an option. Here, we cited 5 concrete industrial floor maintenance tips. Read this guide to take the best care of your industrial floor.