Three Situations When An Enterprise Should Get Help From Training Development Experts
While there is no denying that training needs differ from organisation to organisation, enterprise training is a completely different ball game. Training a large workforce comes with its unique challenges.
However, as with most other aspects of business that are initially outsourced, larger organisations with ongoing training needs tend to lean towards building their own learning and development team. This way, such organisations enable themselves to be self-dependent when it comes to their growing and ever-changing training needs.
With that said, there are situations when even the most equipped L&D teams working for large enterprises could use some help from an external training vendor.
In this article, we will be discussing the same, but only in terms of training content development.
Without further delay, let us look at the three situations when it is best for large enterprises to outsource their training content development:
When Short-Term Training Needs Arise
Any organisation that believes in utilising the full potential of their resources has employees that more often than not, have their hands full with responsibilities. In such a scenario, it may not always be feasible to pull them away from their core responsibilities for a one off, short term project.
In such scenarios, outsourcing can help an organisation address their short-term training needs without having to compromise on their routine deliverables.
Another reason for opting for an elearning solution in such a scenario is that short-term training needs usually come attached with tight time constraints. To cope with these, enterprises may have to expend an unusually large amount of their resources to the project. Doing so can have lasting negative impact on the functions that depend on said resources.
Hence, outsourcing can help organisations address their temporary training needs, cope with the associated time constraints, all without sacrificing their day-to-day productivity.
When A Large, Distributed Workforce Needs To Be Trained
Large enterprises are fueled by a large workforce. In order to ensure maximum productivity, such organisations need to ensure their workforce is trained as best as possible, to face the ever-growing challenges they may have to face on the job.
For instance, sales teams may need regularly updated sales technique training. On the other hand, IT teams may benefit from training that teaches them about the latest networking technologies. Similarly, a marketing team may need to be updated about the latest updates in the Google algorithm.
Moreover, if an enterprise has a distributed workforce, it may be required to address these training gaps in different languages or even need training content tailored to different geographical locations of the teams.
Addressing such diverse training needs with an in house team can prove to be an expensive, time-consuming, and painstaking process. Hence, an elearning solution might be the more viable solution to filling such diverse training gaps.
When A Technological Upgrade Is Introduced Across The Organisation
Enterprises have started realising the importance of keeping up with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. However, without a comprehensive training plan, adopting new technologies can result in a lot of wasted man hours and potentially even more confusion.
When a new technology is introduced across a large enterprise, some sections of the organisation may use it to carry out their core responsibilities while others may use it just for reporting purposes. In such cases, both departments may require a training curriculum to address these very different needs.
Moreover, just like we mentioned in the previous point, this training may need to be introduced in different languages or delivery styles for a distributed workforce.
Once again, addressing such knowledge gaps with an in house team is possible, but not always feasible.
When it comes to diverse or short term training needs, outsourcing vendors can act as powerful allies for large enterprises. Has your organisation had any experience with outsourcing elearning content development?