The Function of Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Neurological Conditions
Neurological conditions refer to a vast range of injuries and diseases that impact the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. While these conditions can be divided into several different categories, neuro physio has been used as an effective treatment for most types of neurological conditions. In certain situations that vary according to the specific condition of the patient, neuro physiotherapy is combined with additional treatment plans to ultimately benefit the patient’s abilities.
Degenerous Neurological Conditions
This category of conditions describes conditions such as multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. These diseases affect the patient by degenerating the function of the neurological system and even though the process of degeneration cannot be prevented, the progression of the symptoms can be slowed down. Physiotherapists are able to significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and enhance abilities effectively. Therapy for treating these conditions will mainly be focused on creating strategies that are able to compensate for neurological functions that are lost, exercise programs that are able to preserve existing functions, the recommendation of mobility aid that may be necessary, and educating the patient of their specific condition.
Secondary Neurological Conditions
Secondary neurological conditions explain several types of conditions that have been developed from types of pathological processes. Two of the most common types of conditions in this category are stroke and neurological impairment that is caused by a brain tumor. The impact and symptoms of these types of conditions are completely dependant on the part of the brain that has been compromised and how much of the brain has been damaged.
Recovering from a stroke or the successful removal of a brain tumor will require extensive physiotherapy. However, the brain will also need to reorganize and heal from possible damage through a process known as neuroplasticity. Physiotherapists will focus mainly on stimulating the crucial process of neuroplasticity to encourage the patient’s abilities to recover from the effects of secondary conditions. As a result, treatment plans that are suitable will vary as they will need to be perfectly suited for the specifics of the patient’s condition.
Traumatic Neurological Conditions
There are several neurological conditions that can result from the impacts of trauma. This category of conditions explains concussions, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and peripheral Nerve injuries are the result of a traumatic event, such as a car accident. Neurological physiotherapy is able to effectively improve the effects of these injuries, although, treatment is required from a highly specialized professional. Even though complete recovery may not always be a likely outcome after a severe neurological injury, physiotherapy will be able to greatly improve the patient’s quality of life. There are several benefits that patients will be able to receive from this type of therapy. As with most treatment plans, a qualified professional will be able to create a personalized course of action that will be most beneficial for treating the specific needs of the patient.
The Challenged Of Treating This Catagory Of Conditions
Treating neurological conditions is understandably one of the more challenging treatments as the neuro functions can be extremely complex. It can be extremely difficult for both the patient and the physiotherapist to diagnose these types of conditions as they are usually considered severe. However, the impact that a physiotherapist has on the patient and their quality of life is undeniably crucial and important throughout the process of recovery and lengthy treatment periods. While some patients may be able to make full recoveries from certain conditions and diseases that affect the patient’s neurological system, others may require life long treatment and additional treatments to optimize the patients ongoing quality of life.
Living with a neuro condition can be understandably challenging and when taking into account that there are several aspects of this type of therapy that aim to focus on the well-being of the patient, it is a beneficial solution for improving daily mobility struggles. The strengthening of muscles, joints, and abilities is able to allow patients maximum mobility and physical functions. However, it is great that this type of therapy also focuses on finding compromising functions or aids to assist with various abilities that may not be recovered through therapy.