Quarantine, How Not to Go Crazy
With nations extending quarantine orders to fight COVID-19, many people find it hard to deal with the situation. The disruption in daily routines like going to work, social events, and schools has forced people to stay home. One of the worst effects of this disruption is the impact people are experiencing in their moods and ways of life.
So how do you tackle this situation? What activities should you do? Or how do you save yourself from going crazy? If you intend to find answers to these questions, you have landed on the right page. Livetray promises to bring you solutions for everything, and we have got you covered this time around as well.
We have listed a few tips for you to live the new normal that the world is currently facing. If you have other burning questions that have kept you thinking hard, find out all your answers at Livetray.
Here are LiveTray’s tips to help you avoid going crazy while you stay at home.
1. Maintain a schedule
Creating and maintaining a daily routine will help you to get along through your daily tasks. Remember, you are not spending a vacation, and everything is running at their own pace as they should have. By setting up a schedule, you will be able to cope with this sudden disruption in daily activities, helping ease your mind and body.
Start by setting times for regular activities like exercises, meals, works, and other household duties. To get the best results, create a chart, paste it somewhere in your house and stick to the daily routine. This chart will keep you motivated and help you to run through all the chores with ease. Not to forget – these tasks will keep your body pumped up, and you will be able to enjoy this time with your family.
2. Find ways to help you relax
Everyone has a way to relax and chill. Whether you find solace by meditating, reading a book, doing crafts, or playing an online game, your goal has to be in keeping your mind and body relaxed. Exercising is an excellent way of relieving stress, and you can use household items to find inspiration for your activity session.
Entertainment is another way of getting rid of stress. You can watch guides to learn new things or watch your favorite web series to soothe your mood. The end goal is to keep you active and keep your body and mind relaxed.
3. Spend times with your loved ones
Despite disrupting your daily routine, the pandemic has provided ample opportunities for people to spend quality time with their loved ones. You can create a schedule involving your family by dividing duties and chores or learn new things with them. Your family is your biggest strength, and there is nothing as good as spending time with your loved ones.
4. Develop new habits
If old habits don’t give you enough to cheer, try acquiring new ones to cope with these challenging times. You can learn a new skill or try your hands on a game. Getting yourself a new pet or a musical instrument will also help you to fight the stress that has been common during this COVID-19 period.
There are several ways of passing times, and we’re sure you will find your sweet spot.
5. Attend virtual events
While there are limitations on attending public events, many artists and institutions are doing shows to help us fight the stress. You can search the web for free concerts or book yourself for a virtual event. Other institutes have also managed to put up several programs for individuals that want to learn something new.
You can attend webinars, online art events, game nights, and many more, among others. To add a personal touch, you can even play online games with your friends or have group discussions on Google hangouts to pass the time. Online media will play a significant role in fighting this pandemic and help you stay safe and active during this COVID-19 time.
6. Complete pending projects
Although COVID-19 has brought dismay and stress to people’s lives, it has also brought opportunities. The opportunity of having sufficient time is a blessing itself, and you should not miss out on this one. While you prepare to get yourself back in your regular shoes, it is a perfect time to finish all the pending projects that you have been working.
Whether you have a household project, an expansion of your garage, write a book, or start your blog, we believe this is a perfect time. As you have ample time in your kitty, you can become more productive by capitalizing on this opportunity that the pandemic has offered.
7. Do what you love to do
Although this guide is to help you get along, we believe you are your own master. Doing the things you like to do will help you stay focused and happy, which is the best thing to avoid going crazy. Take your time, create a list, and make it productive. The result is that you should feel happy about what you do.
Whether you master baking or gaming, you will appreciate what you have achieved during this pandemic and how it has helped you capitalize on your opportunities.
8. Feel good about yourself
Always remember, fighting COVID-19 is a collective effort, and you are doing your part. You should keep yourself motivated and get rid of any stress that you feel because of the pandemic. You play a huge role in breaking the chain while protecting your family and friends from this deadly virus.
Our efforts can help us come out of this pandemic, and the quarantine rules are there to protect us. We must follow all the rules with pride and think of helping each other to make a difference. No matter what we achieve during the quarantine period, we must always feel good about ourselves. Besides, feeling good about yourself is a great feeling, and you should always have them onboard. In addition, you can find here what do you need to know about positive thinking.