Mastering the Art of Men’s Jewelry in Five Easy Steps
Accessories pull a look together. This is true for women’s fashion, and it is also true for men’s fashion. Despite there not being an overwhelming industry for men’s accessories – especially jewelry – that doesn’t mean that they are any less important.
Bracelet chains, necklaces, earrings – men are more than welcome to wear it all. Not only can it help you stand out, but it can also help you look really put together. Accessorizing in any way helps your look and style look thoughtful. Considered. It gives you an air of confidence and assuredness.
You won’t want to skimp on quality, however. You need your items to look great and continue to look great for your entire life, so follow these steps to master the art of men’s jewelry:
Find Which Color Suits Your Skin Tone
Everyone has a skin tone that suits warm colors, cool colors, or both. Finding which suits you can help you determine which metals to shop for when buying jewelry. If you suit warmer colors, yellow golds are the way to go. If you suit cooler tones, choose white gold or silver.
Check to See if You Have an Allergy
Another thing you will absolutely want to check for before you invest in quality pieces is if you are allergic to anything. Nickle allergies are very common and can be avoided by simply buying quality gold or silver. That being said, some people have gold allergies, so you will want to check ahead of time to see if any of these problems might affect you.
You could borrow an item from a friend or family member to see if you have an adverse reaction for genuine gold, or you can buy a cheap ring to see if you have an allergy to nickel (your skin will typically turn green). If you really want to be sure, getting patch tests done is the way to go.
Test Which Lengths Suit You Best
A simple rope bracelet or necklace can help you determine the most flattering length for your wrists or neck. Adjust the length until you are happy with the look, and then wear it around the house for a bit. This is to see if you are comfortable with the weight. Bracelets, in particular, can feel like they chafe your hand if you go too long, so having a real-life understanding of how it will feel is your best bet when it comes to shopping for the real thing.
Choosing the Right Quality
Even gold can tarnish if you get 9 karat gold plating. That is why you will want to invest in 14k or above, and, more importantly, choose a longstanding base material, like bronze or sterling silver.
Find the Best Places to Buy
Now that you know what you want, it is time to shop. Quality materials are expensive, so look online to find great deals on items like curb link bracelets in the metal and length you want.
Wearing jewelry is all about confidence, and the best way to look great is to have the right shape and weight to suit your body type and sense of style.