How To Tell If Your Flyscreens Will Keep Out Every Type Of Insect
Flyscreens are considered an essential investment in any environment where it is warm. While you probably enjoy the increase in temperature, it also encourages an array of insects and flying bugs to leave their winter habitats. These bugs, or pests, all need to find food, water and sleep somewhere. Your home can be the perfect spot for them to get everything they need.
That’s where the flyscreen steps in. It should keep insects out while allowing air into your home, effectively keeping your home cool and the pests where they belong.
But, whether you’re investing in flyscreen doors or screens for your windows, there’s an important question you need to ask. How effective are your flyscreens?
Different Types of Flyscreen
As you may have guessed, the answer is not straightforward. There are different types of flyscreens, some are more effective than others at keeping the insects out.
The main types are:
PVC coated fiberglass
This the most common option and an effective choice. The mesh is made from fiberglass as it doesn’t corrode. This makes it a good choice for coastal areas where salt is often present in the air.
You can use this material to make your flyscreens or purchase ready-made ones.
But, this material is relatively weak and can be ripped easily.
Aluminum is generally stronger than fiberglass and just as resistant to corrosion. However, it is also a weak metal and can be easily bent, allowing insects in.
Stainless steel
This is probably the strongest option available. Steel is strong, keeping pests out. But, it can also help to keep bush fires out of your home. That’s an important consideration.
Solar screens
These screens provide shade as well as pest protection. They are generally solid material. This means they won’t let much air through but they will stop insects and create a shaded area in your home.
The key to keeping insects out is to choose the flyscreen with the right size holes. The smaller the holes the fewer insects that will be able to get through. However, this will also limit airflow. That’s why it makes sense to talk to the professionals and see what they recommend.
Professionals will know which insects are most likely to bother your home and, therefore, what size holes will be most appropriate.
State Of Repair
Don’t forget that your flyscreen is only effective if you look after it. That means regular inspections with a screen repair company in Tampa to ensure it is not damaged. If it does become damaged you’ll need to repair, or even replace, the mesh.
The sooner you pot and fix this the fewer insects will get into your home.
Final Thoughts
Most flyscreens will keep out most insects. You need to check what insects you’re likely to be dealing with to ensure you have the best possible protection.
Of course, you’ll also need to think about the color of the screens and their frames, you’ll want them to blend into your home and look attractive.