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How to Stitch Sequins Dance Fabric

Do you want to be the showstopper at the next prom night? At the same time, do you want to spend the minimum amount on your prom dress? If yes, then the best approach is that you should stitch your dance fabric on your own.

Let us give you some tips on how you should stitch your dress if you go for sequin fabric.

Stitching Your Prom Dress

Go for A Simple Pattern

When you are about to stitch your prom dress, then figure out if the fabric has stretch in it. If you want to go for sequin fabric, then what you need to keep in mind is that the fabric is bulky. Well, this is why you should go for a simple pattern.

If you want to stitch sequin fabric that has stretch, then go for a stitch that has stretch. For example, you can go for a narrow zig-zag stretch.

Do Not Miss Out on A Lining

Now, one thing that you should remember when stitching your dress is your comfort. What you need to keep in mind that the sequin fabric is scratchy, and can be uncomfortable also. The essential aspect is that you should include a lining with your attire.

Use the Appropriate Stitching Equipment

Cutting the sequin fabric is also an art. The sequins can dull your blade so you should use your old scissors for cutting your fabric. If you want to manage the stitching in a flawless way, then it will not be a bad idea to use a leather needle. It makes it easy for you to stitch through the sequins.

Avoid Topstitch

Do not go for topstitch when you plan to stitch sequin fabric. The reason is that topstitch does not tend to work with the sequin fabric.

Press but Do Not Iron Your Fabric

It is also vital that you should iron your sequin fabric the correct way. It is essential to know that the heat of the iron can damage the sequins. However, in most of the cases, it is a need to press the sequin fabric. The reason is that you want to make the seams flat.

If you made up your mind not to remove the sequins from the seam allowance, then you will need to apply a bit of pressure to flatten the sequins. You can apply the finger pressing technique, or you can use the rolling pin for flattening your fabric and sequins.

Another critical tip is to avoid last moment sewing. There is a possibility that you will make more mistakes because of stress, and the last minute results may not be up to your expectation. You will not want to spoil your occasion due to these delays so play safe. Start sewing your dance fabric days in advance.

Remember these tips when you plan to stitch your dance fabric. If you still have any confusion, then it will not be a bad idea to have a look at some online tutorials. Visual explanation clears the concepts in a much better way.