What is CBD? All You Need to Know
Since it has recently been legalized in most places, CBD seems to be everywhere. It is in everything from gummies to lotions. It is available as an extract, an oil, or in capsules.
With a product as ubiquitous as this, everyone should know what it is, but there is a great deal of misinformation out there about CBD. This article will give you all the important info you have been looking for about CBD.
Where Does CBD Come From?
The first question probably should be what is CBD, or what does CBD stand for?
Cannabidiol (CBD for short) is plant-based oil extracted from hemp. The hemp that is used for CBD is from the same plant as marijuana or its close relatives, but it contains no THC which is the psychoactive compound.
Since CBD contains no THC, it will not get you “high”, no matter how much you take. This is why it is legal, even in many states where cannabis (marijuana) is still illegal.
CBD can be extracted in several different ways. The three most common are carbon dioxide, steam, and chemical extraction.
These methods for extraction are pretty straight forward, but the techniques being used can impact the overall quality of the product.
Carbon dioxide extraction is performed by putting plant matter in a vessel with very high pressure and low temperature. This technique leaves a very pure extract when the carbon dioxide evaporates.
Steam extraction is performed by putting the plant material in a vessel over boiling water, with a tube passing through it. As the steam passes through, it binds with the oil. The oils are then separated from the water.
Chemical extraction uses one of several different solvents to extract the CBD oil. This is a very efficient method for extracting the oils, but it is generally avoided because it can leave behind traces of the solvents.
What is CBD Good For?
While many of the claims about CBD are still being researched, CBD oil is considered helpful for a huge array of conditions. CBD can be used either topically or internally.
CBD can be used in balms, creams, and lotions to be used topically. Topical applications are said to make skin healthier and could be absorbed through the skin to aid with pain abatement.
CBD can be taken internally via capsules, edibles, or by simply placing a dropper full of oil under your tongue.
The list of ailments that CBD is said to help with when taken internally includes ADHD, insomnia, headache, body aches, depression, and anxiety. Most of the peer-reviewed studies on this are still underway, so these are anecdotal claims.
CBD and other hemp extracts have been used in traditional medicine for millennia, but due to the stigma associated with the psychoactive elements of marijuana, it has remained out of the mainstream until very recently.
How Much CBD is Safe
With CBD in so many different things now, you may be concerned about overdosing. The good news is that there doesn’t seem to be an upper limit CBD.
Since it isn’t psychoactive, your body is able to metabolize out any excess you take. The worst side effect you are likely to have is a really good night’s sleep.
It is still advised that you keep track of how much you are using, and slowly increase daily consumption to find the amount that is right for you to take.
In summary, CBD is a natural plant extract that can be used to help with a wide array of ailments, with minimal side effects. If you are dealing with any of these symptoms, a CBD supplement may help you feel better!