How to Clean Window Screens
Window screens are frequently exposed to all kinds of external elements such as dust, dirt, rain, and bugs. They can lead to the formation of layers of junk that will quickly turn your screen dirty. By knowing how you can efficiently clean your window screens, you will be able to keep them looking good and new. Keeping your screen clean will also extend its longevity. Fortunately, cleaning your window screen clean does not require a lot of preparation or supplies, and is quite easy to do. Did you know that you can find the best window cleaners or fensterreinigung over at Helpling?
Washing the Screen
- Before you begin washing the window screen, you should remove it and take it outside. This will make it easier for you to wash the screen. Depending on the type of screen you use, the method for removing the screen will be different.
- Use a hose to rinse the screen so as to remove any dirt on the surface. Make sure to use a low-pressure stream so that the screen does not get damaged.
- Wear a pair of rubber gloves and prepare a cleaning solution. You can use an all-purpose dish soap mixed with water for this purpose. Go for distilled white vinegar instead of dish soap for both cleaning and deodorizing the screens. For screens that are extra dirty, use ammonia.
- Use the cleaning solution and a brush to deep clean the screen. Gently scrub around the entire screen to remove any tough spots. Remember to brush on both sides.
- After all the junk has been cleaned out, you can rinse the screen with a hose. Like earlier, use low pressure and ensure all the solution has been thoroughly washed out.
Drying and Replacing the Screen
- Put the screen out in the sun for it to dry. Place it against a wall and let it dry out for two to three hours. You can also wipe the screen using a dry cloth. However, for it to dry fully, it needs to be left out in the open.
- After your screen has dried up completely, use a vacuum hose with a soft bristle attachment on it. Switch on the vacuum and use the hose to clean both sides of the screen. The vacuum will clear out any small dust particles that may be stuck to the screen. You can skip the vacuuming if you feel your screen looks good after it has dried.
- Once the screen is completely dry and clean, you just have to put it back into the window frame. This can be done easily by reversing the steps you followed while removing the screen. Ensure that the screen has been properly attached to the window.
Keeping the Screen Clean
- If you want to keep the screens clean, you should give them a light dusting at least once a week. This will help you reduce the amount of heavy cleaning required in the future. You can use a vacuum or a regular duster for this job. The easiest way would be to use a lint roller. Make sure you work from the top to the bottom while dusting the screen.
- If you notice that dirt has accumulated in a specific spot, you can use some cleaning solution to fix it. Mix some soap and water and use a brush, sponge, or washcloth to clean your screen. Use minimum force to scrub the area so as to avoid damaging the screen.
- By cleaning your screen more often, you can avoid the hassle of a full-cleaning that would require you to remove your screen. You can adopt window screen cleaning as part of your regular house cleaning routine. However, you should do a full-cleaning twice a year.
Cleaning your window screen is a quick and easy job. You just need a few minutes to prepare the cleaning solution. By regularly dusting your screens, you can keep them looking clean and new.