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Hair Regrowth Treatment – Cost and Results

Approximately thirty-two million men and around 20 million women suffer from hair loss in the USA only. It means that every 1 out of 5 people is losing hair. Because of these statistics, I am not surprised to see the number of options in the market for the treatment of hair loss. Many different brands are offering diverse and innovative solutions for hair regrowth. People are free to choose any kind of treatment they want, depending upon their budget, preferences, and intensity of hair loss. So, now a lot of people will think about how much the laser hair regrowth treatments cost or how many dollars I would have to spare for stem cell therapy. Here I will try to discuss some of the best hair growth treatments along with their price and results.


PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. For people suffering from baldness in their 30’s, PRP is used to treat hair loss and increase natural hair growth. In this therapy, platelet-rich plasma is taken from the patient’s blood and injected into the balding areas to activate dormant hair follicles. This therapy gives good results, and there is no scarring and allergies. PRP treatment can cost anywhere between $1000 to $ 2000 in the USA.


Laser hair regrowth treatments have become very popular these days. This is because of the results they provide and the convenience they offer to the patients. Many companies offer laser hair caps or combs for promoting hair growth. You simply have to wear the cap or comb your hair with the comb, and that’s all. Laser hair caps from brands like Theradome may cost between $595 to $ 895, and you can get a laser hair comb for around $200.


Another prevalent treatment for hair loss is stem cell therapy. The best part about this therapy is that it provides long-lasting effects and is non-invasive. People going through this treatment get no inflammation, and the density of their hair also increases. This mainly involves taking stem cells and infusing them into the spots where baldness is. Stem cells can become any kind of cell in the future, so when the previous hair has been shed, stem cells can restart the hair growth phase, hence promoting hair growth. Stem cells therapy can cause between $5000 to $50000 in the USA.


Who could have thought a few years ago that a robot would perform tasks as intricate as transplanting hair? But, modern technology has made it possible.  Robotic hair transplants are a good substitute for traditional hair transplants because of their precision and time-saving capabilities. It includes different techniques like optical guidance systems for site creation, graft selection, and incision. In the USA, robotic hair transplants can cause anywhere between $7000 to $18000.


For people who don’t like to get into any kind of surgery or transplants, a great option comes in the form of minoxidil. Minoxidil comes in the form of a solution and has to be applied to the areas where there is hair thinning or balding. Minoxidil reverses the miniaturization of the hair follicles and widens them by increasing blood flow towards them. This helps the hair follicles go from a resting stage to the active phase, hence promoting the growth of the hairs. It is a very cheap and effective solution for many people. A three-month supply of minoxidil can cost around $25 in the USA.


Hair regrowth treatments these days come with a lot of options these days. It is up to you to choose which treatment suits your budget, needs, and the type of hair loss you are experiencing. This was a  little attempt to bring some light to various hair regrowth treatments.