Flower Care and Tips
Cutting the flowers at an angle is very important and for a number of reasons. Often a bouquet is given from the florist that is given to the recipient the same day. It may be that this bouquet has been or has been without water for a while. This causes the underside of the stems to dry out. The capillaries in the stems can then absorb less water, causing the flowers to droop more quickly. The Fleurop florist makes every effort to deliver the flowers as fresh as possible.
However, it is important to cut a small piece of the flowers at an angle. This doesn’t have to be much. +/- 2 cm is sufficient. Cutting off a piece of the stem at an angle ensures sufficient water supply and that bacteria have a minimal chance of infecting the flower, causing it to droop. Use sharp tools, preferably a sharp knife. Other tools, such as blunt pliers, pinch off the capillaries, making the flowers less able to absorb water. A sharp kitchen knife is a great tool.
To prevent pollution of the water, it is important that no leaves (with the exception of tulips) come into the water. The leaves will rot in the water. This rot again causes bacterial growth and that is not good for the flowers. The thorns of roses can simply remain on the stem.
Remove the flowers that have finished blooming from the bouquet. These are almost dead anyway and can therefore best be taken out of the bouquet. Withered flowers can pollute the water and bacteria can then get a free hand more quickly and affect the other flowers more quickly.
A clean vase is vital for flowers. We recommend using a glass vase. Bacteria attach themselves less quickly to the wall of a glass vase, which in turn extends the life of flowers.
When using a glass vase, you can also see better whether there is enough water in the vase. You can also check whether the water is still fresh and clear. Cloudy water is not good. These are developed bacteria, algae and dead material from the flower stems. Change the water at least every 5 days to prevent cloudy water and other infections of the flowers.
Always fill a vase with clean water. Plain tap water is fine. A lot is said about flowers on lukewarm water, but regular tap water from about 10 degrees is fine. So that’s cold water. Exotic flowers often require warmer water.
It is important that the vase is really clean. A transparent vase indicates for you when the water needs to be changed. Flowers should also have sufficient water. Some flowers drink much more water than other flowers.
Over the years, the nutrition for flowers and plants has improved enormously. This makes the flowers really last longer. Bloompost supplies cut flower food with every bouquet. You can send it in a letterbox gift. Use this too. You will see that it is really good for the flowers. They stay beautiful longer, but the flower will also bloom better. Make sure that it is not too little water that you use in combination with the flower food. Too many nutrients can burn flower stems and leaves.
Flowers do not like sun, drafts or heat. The heat or draft accelerates the consumption or loss of moisture in flowers. The flowers lose moisture faster than they can absorb it. As a result, the flowers age or weaken much faster. They then hang. Very sinful. So placing flowers in the sun or nice and warm by the stove or fireplace is not wise. A drafty place is also not good for the flowers. Due to drafts, flowers evaporate more moisture than they can absorb. this also causes the flowers to droop more limply.
Do not place flowers near fruit or a fruit bowl. Fruit undergoes a ripening process. This maturing process is accompanied by the emission of Ethylene gas. This gas is harmful to the flowers. As a result, flowers live less long in the vase and therefore go limp faster.
A few drops of chlorine in the water will reduce the chance of bacteria developing. However, do not combine chlorine with cut flower food. Cut flower food also contains a bacteria-killing agent.
Change the water every few days. New flower food is not really necessary. Rinse the stems with clean water if you want to change the water after several. That way you don’t take any deposits and bacteria with you in the clean, refreshed water. Cut the flowers again so that the stems can optimally absorb water again. The flowers will be a little shorter of course.
A myth is that you should flatten or bruise the stems of flowers and then put them in the vase. If the stems are beaten flat or bruised, this promotes the growth of the batteries and your flowers will be shorter.