Can You Get A Wood Stove Installed Without A Chimney?
Getting a wood stove installed at your place gives the place an appeal that just can’t be beaten. Whether it’s your office room or your living room, it’s important to know that a wood stove is an absolute necessity to have in the United Kingdom. Although not everyone has a chimney in modern times, it doesn’t mean they can’t get a wood stove installed. But we’ll get to that later. For now let’s address some of the precautions that are believed to be necessary for people with chimneys who are getting a wood stove installed.
Checking up on the chimney is important every once in a while, especially before getting a new wood burning stove or fireplace installed inside it. Think of the wood burning stove as the car, and the chimney as it’s engine. It’s imperative to know that the main reason for the success of a wood burning stove is the chimney (if you have one). To make sure your chimney is doing its job, here are the things you need to ensure:
Leaving The Chimney Alone:
Many people living in the UK have been known to connect their chimney to the main water pipelines and the drain pipelines. Many house owners have even stretched the chimney’s accessibility to the max by attaching the cooker hood to it. If you or someone you know is using the chimney for these purposes, it’s better that you now stop doing this since the installation of a wood stove will carry out an investigation that can lead to the chimney being found dangerous, making it an illegal installation.
Leaving The Chimney Uncapped:
Leaving the chimney alone isn’t all that can be done. Many homeowners that don’t use the chimney at all often cap it off. So it’s clearly obvious that homeowners who have capped off their chimney, need to uncap it to install the new wood burning stove they need.
Keeping The Chimney In Good Health:
It’s always important to keep a chimney’s interior and exterior well-insulated. When you keep everything in good condition in your home, it not only improves the atmosphere around the house but it also improves the outlook of the house. Keeping a chimney is a good condition and also means you won’t have to worry about your health anytime soon. You’ll also need to clean the chimney at least once a year even after installing the wood burning stove.
For people with existing chimneys, getting a wood stove installation is always an easy process that they should definitely take advantage of. As it is an accessibility that just can’t be undermined. Of course, that doesn’t mean we can count out the homeowners without chimneys just yet. Check out stove installations and find out how they use the twin wall flue mechanism to install wood stoves where there aren’t any chimneys. So now no one has an excuse to not get a wood burning stove installed! Of course, when you do get one involved I’d like to leave you with one tip for the wood burning stove:
Keeping It Away From Inflammable Material:
When you get the wood burning stove installed wherever you want it, you should be aware of the size of the wood that the stove can handle, while also keeping it safe from other things in the house that can light it up anytime it pleases.