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Foam Cushions: How Much Care Do They Require?

You can get cushions that are made out of many different materials. Foam is a popular option these days. It is not ideal for every situation, but many people like it because of its affordability and durability.

Before you start shopping for luxury foam cushions, though, you might want to know a little more about them. More specifically, you may want to know how much care they require. Let us talk about that in detail right now.

Fluffing Your Foam Cushions

For the most part, foam cushions do not require a great deal of care to get the best use out of them. If you pick them up and gently fluff them, that can prevent uneven wear. It will also redistribute the foam. 

You can do that once a week or so. By doing so, you will make sure they retain their shape and resilience.

Rotating Your Foam Cushions

It also makes sense to rotate your foam cushions. Like fluffing them, you’ll want to do this every week for the best results.

If you have ones that are not seeing as much use, rotate them out for the ones that are. Try to distribute weight evenly on them as well. If the cushion is reversible, you can turn it over every few days. It doesn’t take much, but it can extend the lifespan of your cushions considerably.

Protecting Your Foam Cushions

There are also a few other things you can do to protect your foam cushions. For instance, you might add a Dacron wrap to each of them. This prevents fabrics from direct exposure to the foam in the cushion’s interior. It will prevent friction as well.

You might also make the foam waterproof by spraying it with a silicone spray. You can easily buy some at Home Depot or another hardware store. 

Cleaning Your Cushions

You also need to clean your foam cushions. The good news is that it does not take very long or require much effort to do so. 

If anything ever stains your cushion, spot-clean it as soon as possible with water and a mild detergent. You should blot the stain rather than scrubbing it. Any harsh rubbing can damage the fabric or foam, and you definitely don’t want that. 

You can also expect your foam cushions to be subjected to a normal amount of wear and tear. You can combat this somewhat by vacuum-cleaning them. You only need to do this once a year or so. 

Your cushion cover may also have zippered access to the foam inside it. If so, you can unzip the cover and wash the foam inside. You should only follow the manufacturer’s instructions if you do this since rough washing can ruin the pillow’s interior permanently. 

You can also dry clean the foam, which might be your best bet, though it can be a bit expensive. At all costs, try to avoid dampness, as that can lead to mildew. If that’s what’s happening, you should be able to smell it.