5 Tips For Growing Cannabis Indoors
Like any other endeavor, the biggest barrier you’ll probably face in growing cannabis indoors is taking that first step. So, one of the first things you’ll have to do is to find the most conducive place to cultivate weed. And, of course, you’re going to need the proper equipment. You also have to get marijuana seeds. Keep in mind, too, that you’ll be spending a lot of time checking up on your crop.
You also want to make sure that you won’t get into any trouble with the law. There are parts of the United States where growing weed is illegal. That’s another thing you have to check–making sure that growing and cultivating marijuana is legal in your state before going full steam ahead. With that taken care of, let’s get down to the meat of this article.
Tips For Growing Weed Indoors
If you live in a state where cannabis is legal, do you still need to grow your own? Why, yes—for one thing, cannabis products bought in dispensaries aren’t cheap. For another, whether you’re just a garden variety cannabis enthusiast or a medical marijuana patient, you’ll appreciate having your own stash grown from your favorite strain or strains. What’s more, you can also play scientist and experiment crossbreeding different strains. All in all, it can be a fulfilling hobby.
Besides, by growing your own, you can make sure that you’re growing quality stuff; you can get the best soil, the best strain, the best equipment, such as the best grow tent fans, and, of course, the best indoor pot farmer: you.
So, here are a few tips for growing the best marijuana indoors:
1. Get The Right Strain To Grow Indoors
There are high-yield Sativa strains that you might be tempted to grow, but they’re typically not best for growing indoors. Cannabis cultivated indoors should have a high yield and shorter stature. One of the positive effects of years of selective breeding is the creation of over 700 cultivars (strains) of cannabis, and many of them are perfectly suited to be grown indoors.
For example, Indicas are known for being naturally bushy as well as for being short. Combining this strain with the tall, spread-out Sativa creates cultivars that are ideal for indoor farming. Some of these strains are Silver Haze, Jack Herer, Northern Light, Wedding Crasher, Super Skunk, plus a few others.
2. Get A Living Soil
Living soil is ideal for growing cannabis indoors since it teems with beneficial bacteria, fungi, microorganisms, and nutrients. It also has enhanced moisture retention, aeration, and better soil structure. In addition to being perfect for growing cannabis indoors, living soil also helps your plants absorb more minerals and nutrients.
Living soil is also used by farmers who produce organic crops. Having an organically-grown crop is highly sought since the resulting product is typically clean, healthy, and high-quality. Getting your own living soil is also relatively easy. You can find resources online on how to create your own or you can just buy a premade living soil mix.
3. Pick A Good Grow Tent
With grow tents, you won’t have to do any construction or remodeling to your house or property. Instead, you just have to set aside a dedicated place for the grow tent. The tent can then be broken down once you’ve finished growing your crop, so you can reclaim the area it occupied.
Grow tents can also simplify your cultivation process. It lets in the air for ventilation, plus you can install all sorts of equipment in there, like fans, lights, and others.
4. Get Your Grow Room Automated
Getting your grow room automated can make your crop’s environment more consistent. This can be extremely helpful when you’re trying out an experiment as this requires steady and controlled surroundings.
Cannabis cultivation needs consistent care, which is why your setup is better off having an automated light schedule, temperature controls, and irrigation system. A type of monitor or even simple timers can be extremely helpful for the grower.
5. Get Your Plant To Grow Extra Bud Sites
You can control how your marijuana plant’s final shape and size will look like. So, instead of your plant growing just that one main bud, you can ‘train’ your plant to grow several large bud sites. This could result in an increased overall yield.
There are several methods of forcing your weed to grow multiple buds. Like these two, for instance:
- Topping – refers to cutting off the plant’s main stalk, forcing it to grow bushier. Left on its own, weed will focus its energy on growing a single main stalk. Topping the plant will mean it’ll grow healthier, develop more bud sites, and will have better quality yields.
- Manifolding – refers to topping your plant more than two times. Also called mainlining, this technique results in an increased number of large, dense buds.
Final Thoughts
There are many more tips you can learn, as well as more growing techniques. These tips, however, are just to give you an idea of what it’ll take to grow your own cannabis indoors. So, basically, you’re going to need the right weed strain ideal for growing indoors, quality organic soil, a grow tent with the proper equipment, and knowledge of a few growing techniques to get the most out of your crop.