10 Misconceptions in The Food Business
Are you in the food business because of food is your passion? Is it enough to get into the food business? If you ask the people already in the business of food, they may not agree. Every time you eat at a restaurant packed with long queues of customers waiting for their turn, you imagine all the money they would be making. Sometimes it is the opposite; you go to a restaurant with bad food and service, and you feel that you can do a better job of running it.
However, food alone is not responsible for the success or failure of any food business. Any venture involving food can be called the food business. Restaurants, pubs, food trucks, delis, etc. are all part of this booming business. Outsiders have many misconceptions about this business. Let us list a few of them.
1. Good Food Is Enough
The most common misconception people have is that any place with good food will succeed. Food businesses mainly fail due to poor planning, bad management, and lack of capital. Some people may like the food they have 먹튀, but it is not enough. Understanding pricing and proper management are necessary for the business to survive even if the food is fantastic.
2. High Rate Of Failure
The misconception that almost 90 % of new food ventures fail within the first year is completely wrong but makes new restaurateurs jittery. Food business gets a bad reputation because many aspiring restaurateurs take advice and help from friends instead of professionals. Being able to cook a dish is not the same as running a food business. Such people struggle after opening a restaurant, and lack of capital may force them to close.
3. A Great Chef Will Be Enough
Some people think that hiring a great chef will take care of the operations. What you need is a good manager or operator who follows the plan as closely as possible. This person may not be as creative as a chef but is consistent and stickler with rules and policies. Chefs can get bored quickly, as most creative people do. Great chefs cost a lot of money and are not bothered about menu costs. With deep pockets, it can work, but not always.
Moreover, not even the greatest cooks can pull of high-quality dishes if they don’t have the gear for it. Big Apple restaurants have realized this so they started installing New York Brick Oven into their kitchens. The result: more sophisticated dishes that are winning people over. Having a list of necessary items and ensuring you have the absolute best for your business will give you a reputation edge.
4. Location, location, location!
Yes, location is important but not to the exclusion of other factors. Location is not everything. If the food is excellent and the vibe is right, people will come anywhere. Sometimes it only takes the word of mouth publicity for a place to garner faithful customers. Otherwise using social media to let people know about a particular food business located in not so ideal 먹튀사이트 can do the trick.
5. Years Of Experience Necessary
Many times a person with a lot of experience is just someone with a lot of failed businesses. Just because a person has worked in the food business does not qualify them to become experts. What is more important is having an open mind and business savvy. Someone who is willing to learn and understands the relationship between labor, cost of goods and sales is more likely to succeed. Having the good sense to understand what people want and how to cater to them is more important.
6. Great Service Or Great Food
The motto has to be ‘the food is the hero.’ Rude or untrained staff may get you a few critical reviews, but bad food will mostly stop people from coming again. Both go hand in hand, it’s like great food is what makes people revisit, and serving bad food will definitely put them off. Bad service is more annoying while bad food is the end of the relationship and will get a bad 먹튀검증. Great food always trumps great service.
7. Hire Experienced Staff To Cut On Training Cost
Always hire client-facing staff based on their personality and attitude. For other areas, look for smartness with a willingness to learn. For staff who come in direct contact with customers, the most essential quality is likability. People with experience may come with their own baggage and have a different work ethic. You must hire for intelligence, eagerness, personality, and rest you can take care of by retraining. Online food handler certification training is available from companies like 360 Training, and is a great way to ensure employees hold themselves to the highest standard when handling product.
8. Easy To Open Food Business
Though it is easy to open a food business, it is not enough to have a great building. Serving food and drinks is only a small part. Opening a food business involves insurance, licenses, and clearances from several authorities. There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be completed before you get into the food business. Complete adherence to safety procedures and fire hazards will start even before you begin operating. Following all these is time-consuming and requires patience.
9. Doing It All
Being in the food business does not mean that you need to know and do it all. Managing and operating every aspect of the company is only possible when it is very small. Bookkeeping, Finances, Legal, Compliance, Marketing, etc. are some of the issues which require professionals. It is best to outsource them. You want to save time and energy for the main business, which is the food business. It is a misconception that a person should be able to do it all in the food business.
10. You Can Make Money Quickly
Many people get into the food business because they think that it is easy to make money in this industry. We have been told again and again to follow something we love. If we love the food, we think the next logical step is getting into the food business. However, it does not work like that. Loving food does not prepare you for the hard work and effort you need to put into the business. There is no easy and quick money in this business.
Most businesses need a person to have some experience in that field when starting, but not in the food business. This in itself is not a problem, but the fact that they underestimate the complexity of the food business is. There are so many misconceptions about the food business. Some of them may make it seem like an easy option, while others can put you off. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Understanding the processes and taking help from the right people can be helpful.