Why are Air Jordan Sneakers so Popular?
Over the last various years, the Jordan’s have been extremely well known and popular relative to other sneakers brands. People are not satisfied with Adidas and Nike sneakers because, in recent years, Jordan has become the must-have sneaker. After all, it is truly the innovative one. Their style and design make them the most desired and the hot product that even the wealthiest people go for.
This post is about the motives for why Air Jordan sneakers are so popular. So without waiting, let’s dive into the motives.
Why are Jordan sneakers so popular?
The popularity of Jordan lies in the exclusivity and incomparable features as compared to other footwear brands. Jordan’s are made with high and advanced quality materials, including premium leather uppers and full-grain calfskin. There is a creation of an element of durability with these materials being used in Jordan sneakers.
There are several reasons for which most people like and prefer Jordans over other sneakers, as they offer better overall quality than most low-priced ones.
Reasonable prices that reflect quality
Compared to other footwear brands, the sneakers offered by Air Jordan have good quality at a reasonable price point. Because of this the price is also a top reason why most customers prefer Jordans in addition to the style, unique designs and performance.
High comfort
Another big factor as to why most people like and prefer Jordan sneakers is their additional high level of comfort. Some individuals love and enjoy wearing Jordan sneakers because of this aspect, whereas regular shoes would cause them uncomfortable fit. Some people even suffer from foot pains like heel spurs if they wear the sneakers of any other cheaper brand for a longer period. While looking for good and reliable sneakers to buy, they opt for the Jordan because they offer additional cushioning and support for everyday use.
Great value
The element that distinguishes Jordan from the other brands is its great value in the market, as you can buy them from Sneakerzone at fair rates. These sneakers simply have the best quality and highest level of performance compared to the cheaper or even counterfeit alternatives, so that people are willing to pay a bit more to buy these sneakers.
Gripping feel
It will not be specious to say that Jordan sneakers offer a great gripping feel because of their texture while performing stimulating activities. The texture effect is also potent in making the shoes quite practical and functional. As Air Jordans originally were made for professional basketball players, comfort in everyday use is a small task for the iconic creation.
Wide recognition all over the world
One of the key reasons for the popularity of the Nike Jordan sneakers is that huge celebrities, as entertainers, athletes and actors have been seen wearing and loving Jordans. For that reason, most people remember and find interest in the brand, as they see their favorite celebrity rock the stylish sneakers. The danish online sneaker-dealer Sneakerzone has a huge selection of Air Jordan and Nike Dunk sneakers so that people can easily buy and enjoy an awesome pair of footwear. Explore the world of popular Nike Dunk with their amazing deals.
Great designs
However, one of the most important qualities that truly make the Jordan sneakers famous is their stylish and innovative designs. Nike has in collaboration with the iconic basketball player Michael Jordan created lots of varieties of the sneaker such as Air Jordan 1 Low, Mid and High. People of all ages and cultures like to wear these sneakers in different outfits and ways. Even people who are not interested in basketball find it difficult to reject these tasteful and stylish designs.
The mainstream aspect
People from all over the world tend to follow the most unique and trendy options in any form of product. Jordan sneakers are no exception as people want to wear the newest and most innovative footwear trends which won’t go out of style. A lot of people would even argue that they have the same level of respect as massive brands like Apple or Facebook, and that the mainstream obsession with Air Jordans is here to stay for a long time.
Limited release and huge demand
Every time Nike releases a new pair of Air Jordans they are only available in a limited quantity. Which means that it sometimes can be extremely hard to get a hold of a fresh pair of AJ’s. That’s why people buy from the online shop Sneakerzone, as they offer all these sold out sneakers at fair prices, while also guaranteeing 100% new and authentic pairs.
A high-end sub-brand of Nike
The Air Jordan is popular, very popular. However, It is not just any Nike sneaker. Jordans are made as a part of legendary Michael Jordan’s legacy and introduction to the mainstream world. Their easy to style designs let ordinary people appreciate the fashionable shoe, even though they might not even know the true origin of the AJ.
To conclude, Air Jordan is one of the most practical, well-known and iconic brands of our time with unique features and unbeatable comfort. It is also widely known and famous for its high-quality materials and high-grade performance. However, its huge popularity is also linked to Michael Jordan’s status and associated with his cultural impact, giving the Jordan company a strong brand name. So that was the incredible story behind Air Jordan that happened while a young player became a national sensation, Michael Jordan.
So now you know exactly why Air Jordan is in such high demand all over the world.