What Features to Look for in a Vanity Number
Throughout the years, vanity 800 phone numbers have higher recall rates over the average numeric toll-free numbers and URLs.
Several tests reveal that ads with vanity numbers outdo those with generic digits by a whopping 33 percent, which begs the question on the features of these specific numbers.
In most cases, these vanity numbers offer advanced routing capabilities, call forwarding, and Voicemail to Email services. In general, Voicemail to Email is a vanity number feature that records a voicemail as an audio file and distributes it to a specified email address.
Subsequently, the recipient will download the file right from their email and listen to it using a media player on their PC or smartphone. More often than not, this offering is relatively standard for the cloud phone system and hosted VoIP providers like Talk Route.
Voicemail to Email Process: How It Works
Usually, voicemail emails include essential details such as the caller ID information and the time of message delivery.
Keep in mind that some providers enable you to delete recordings using a web-based app besides the traditional dial-in phone mechanism. More often than not, voicemail emails work in several ways, including:
Emails With an Attached Recording: In this case, a voicemail message comes in formats like .wav and .mp3. Usually, the message is also stored in the voicemail box for easier access.
Email with an Attached Recording but Not Saved: Voicemail messages are attached in the email, but the message is systematically removed from the voicemail box after pressing send.
Email Only: A notification email is delivered to your voicemail box to remind you of a new message.
What are the Benefits of Voicemail to Email?
Companies deal with an influx of communication than ever before. Take note that the constant stream of faxes, phone calls, emails, and voicemails coming in have raised by as much as 7,700 percent over the last decade.
One of the primary benefits of adopting voicemail to email in businesses is enhancing the ability of your team to respond to prospects and customers. The research revealed that 85 percent of prospective customers who cannot get hold of the business on the initial call wouldn’t even call back.
Interestingly, 75 per cent of these callers will not even leave voicemails. Voicemail to email capabilities enables your team to respond to messages within 10 minutes to prevent killing the enthusiasm of the caller.
What’s more, voicemail emails also provide mobility to your voicemail box. A mobility feature allows you to listen to essential recordings like business meetings while you brew coffee or at home nursing a cold.
Adopting this feature will ensure that your team members would catch up immediately on the latest deals of your business, thus, increasing the productivity rate.
Likewise, voicemail emails can be a useful archival tool. Usually, these emails can be stored in a folder or downloaded directly to your PC or smartphone to create a comprehensive archive of your business recordings.
If you want to subscribe to a voice to email service, get in touch with Talkroute. They will be happy to help you.