What Exactly is a Virtual Call Center?
Call centers are a major staple of successful companies as they engage consumers, provide support, and relay information about products, releases, and changes within a company. A physical call center is a call center of which many are accustomed; a virtual call center is similar but with some stark differences. While in-house call centers can provide companies to monitor the daily activity of their employees creating a more rigid environment, virtual call centers provide employees the benefit of working from home or within a close geographical location, providing a comfortable atmosphere with low stress and an environment in which they are more likely to be productive.
According to Genesys Telecommunication Laboratories, “A virtual contact center (VCC) is a solution that supports contact center agents in various geographical locations instead of a single physical location.” A point of contact center that is virtual provides efficiency of distribution from diverse workforces which match a specific and very appropriate agent to a customer in need making it easier for the customer to receive the help they need.
A virtual call center is a center in which customer service calls are supported in multiple locations as opposed to one single location. At a virtual contact center, employees work remote and are located in diverse locations all over the world. This provides jobs to those who may have difficulty finding a job in their region or difficulty finding a job in general. It provides resources to those who may have never had a job. This enables customer service representatives to answer questions and provide vital information at the leisure of the person who calls the virtual call center for help.
Virtual call centers operate the same way that physical call centers operate; however, a virtual call center is oftentimes supported by a software which connects them and enables them to do their job more accurately. There are even call centers who use cloud-based software in order to reduce overhead costs, share information fluidly, and meet the challenges of daily work with ease. Customers are able to connect at any time in any place in the world.
Communication technology certainly has advanced and through its advancements, it has transformed experiences with call centers world-wide in tangible ways even though it is a virtual technology which caters to individuals. For example, according to the website Country Code, “On Black Friday 2013 alone, online purchases reaches $1.93 billion, an incredible 39% increase over the previous year.” Virtual call centers make it easy for people to connect to an operator and solve whatever issue that may arise in addition to completing online purchases with ease and fluidity.
According to CNN, “Data collected by the Site Selection Group, a real estate consulting firm, the pace of call center jobs added in the rest of the world has exceeded those created in the United States since 2014. And that doesn’t count the nearly 18,200 jobs lost in 2017 from call centers closing in the United States.” However, with the rise of virtual call centers, workers are able to work at their own pace, providing more freedom and ease. Workers are trained to help customers with their needs and are “likely paid better as a result.” The new age of automation enables the workforce to aid more people without work between employees being too competitive. People are able to work at their own pace without intensive labor, which provides a more cost-effective structure and higher business productivity.