How to Make The Most of Your Anniversary During Lockdown
With life on hold for so many of us during the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be difficult to focus on all the good things that we should not take for granted – our family, our friends and not least our health, especially when so many thousands have been affected by the virus.
The lack of social contact feels wholly unnatural and can have a significant impact on our mental wellbeing, as we continue to go long periods without seeing our loved ones. With that in mind, if you’re fortunate enough to live with your partner, it’s crucial that you make the most of this extended time together.
Thousands of couples up and down the country will have celebrated their anniversary during lockdown, although perhaps in a slightly different way to how they had originally planned. If you and your loved one have a milestone coming up, here are a few ways you can make it the special occasion it ought to be, from the comfort of your own home.
Treat yourselves to breakfast in bed
Ok, so one of you will have to get out from under the nice warm covers and head to the kitchen, but there’s something extremely decadent about enjoying breakfast in bed. It doesn’t have to be fancy – even just a slice of toast and a cup of tea together can get your day off to the perfect start.
Spoil each other
Money doesn’t equate to love, of course, but there are plenty of anniversary gifts that can show your appreciation for your other half. And if you’re finding you have a little extra cash to spend with fewer social events to attend, perhaps you can splash out on something more extravagant for the special person in your life.
Eat a nice meal
Under normal circumstances, perhaps you’d have booked a meal for two in a nice restaurant. But just because lockdown is in force, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some culinary delights in your own home. There are plenty of benefits to cooking, but if you’d rather relax and leave it up to someone else, you can always order a delivery from your favourite food spot.
Dress up
For a lot of people, the majority of lockdown has been spent in comfortable, casual clothing, so why not make an effort for the special occasion? Stick on your fanciest attire, light some candles, set the table and enjoy a romantic evening together.
You could also take the time to look back on some of your fondest memories as a couple. Maybe think about how you met and where it all started, and look through your photos to recall the experiences you’ve enjoyed together along the way.
You might even want to start looking towards the future and making plans for your next anniversary, which will hopefully be celebrated in very different circumstances!