How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
It is said that learning and keeping bad habits is easy but switching them back is very difficult. A healthy lifestyle problem is very serious but it’s taken very lightly by the people. Often people take action to change their lifestyle, but they hesitate in the middle of the road due to lack of commitment.
In addition, taking small and one-step at a time is critical for healthy lifestyles. Don’t go overboard with it, either. This good lifestyle will also benefit in many ways. You can share lifestyle related content as a guest post on lifestyle blog here.
Preparing for Healthier Life
1. Make an appointment with your doctors: Going to is not just part of remaining alive though. And you can get the most out of that as well. Here is my suggestion, and it is essentially the same if you are the patient, or the patient’s family member, or caregiver.
Consult with your primary care doctor. Talk to him about your current health condition and if there is anything they’d recommend to help you li1ve a healthier life.
Also, visit your dentist. It’s typically recommended to go twice a year just for a check-up. This is another important visit you shouldn’t overlook.
Visit any other doctors you may need. For example OB/GYN, allergist, or endocrinologist (a doctor who specializes in hormones).
2. Take some measurements: There are some ways to check on your health status without a doctor. Measuring your weight and overall size can give you some insight into whether or not your body is healthy as well.
Weigh yourself. Note your weight and compare it with national standards for ideal body weight. This will tell you if you’re close to a healthy weight or should consider weight loss.
Measure your waist circumference. Another way to interpret your weight and health is by measuring your waist circumference. A large waist may mean you have a high amount of visceral fat which could be dangerous to your health.[2] Men should have a waist circumference less than 40″ and women should be less than 35″.
Also, figure out your BMI with an online calculator. Again, this is just an additional method of letting you know whether or not you’re at a healthy weight.
If any of these measurements are too high and you feel you might be overweight or carrying too much weight, this can be a part of your life you work on so you can be healthier.
3. Start a journal: Keeping a journal is a great way to start your healthier life. You can take notes, write goals, track your goals, and even keep a food journal. These items will help you figure out what you need to do and motivate you to meet those goals.
- You might first want to start taking some notes on any information you get from your doctors or track your weight, BMI, or waist circumference.
- Also jot down notes about what goals you have and how you think you’re going to live a healthier life. It’ll take some brainstorming and thinking about all the different aspects of your life you want to change to be healthier.
- Take notes on your food choices in your journal as well. Studies show that those who journal their food regularly stay on track with new diet patterns for longer.
4. Build a support group: Reach out to people of the same mind to get some early leaders or co-founders. If you have other members to support, then you should assign tasks and give everyone a place at the party.
- Keep track of your groups progress.
- Share responsibilities for the group.
- Be sure everyone has a chance to talk.
- Share rewards and failures.
Making Healthier Diet Choices
1. Write up a meal plan: Decide which food you would like to consume. That is better than creating up each meal individually.
- Enjoy your food but eat less.
- Strengthen your bones.
- Make fruits and vegetable half of your plate.
- Drink water.
- Quite frequently, eat whole grains.
2. Eat mindfully: Mindful eating is a technique that helps you gain control over your eating habits. It has been shown to promote weight loss, reduce binge eating, and help you feel better.
- Eating slowly and without distraction.
- Listening to physical hunger cues and eating only until you are full.
- Learning to cope with guilt and anxiety about food
- Noticing the effect food has on your felling and figure.
- Appreciating your food.
3. Maintain a balanced diet: An average person needs to eat about 2000 calories every day to maintain their weight.
- Eat at least 5 servings of a selection of fruits and vegetables per day.
- Base meals on higher fiber starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice, or pasta.
- Have some alternatives to milk or dairy products (such as soya drinks).
- Eat some beans. Pulses, eggs, fish, meat, and other ingredients.