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How Do Camlock Fittings Work in a Vertical Farm?

Vertical farming is the modern approach to sustainable farming; it is becoming increasingly popular day by day. To make this form of farming possible, modern scientific technology is applied for a more sophisticated design. One particular element that is important in the functioning of vertical farms is Camlock fittings. Camlock fittings are incredibly useful for liquid transportation across a system. 

Vertical Farms and Their Irrigation Type

Before we talk about how Camlock fittings can be used in vertical farming, let’s briefly discuss this farming type. Vertical farming is an indoor type of farming usually done in warehouses or greenhouses where farmers use vertically stacked surfaces to grow plants instead of the horizontal form of farming. 

By growing layers of plants vertically stacked, farmers can produce a lot more output on the same piece of land. This form of farming takes into account temperature control, light control, humidity control, and water control; a unique, delicate balance is to be maintained that utilizes resources as best as possible and leads to maximum food production. 

When it comes to watering or irrigation in vertical farming, water waste must be kept at a minimum. To meet that end, an automatic water filter is used to recirculate water throughout the farm setup. A water nutrient-rich mixture is used to feed plants the necessary nutrients for maximum production. Here the plant roots have direct access to water, usually suspended in a soilless medium. Water that the plants do not use is therefore never wasted rather re-used. In this way, vertical farms are able to use 90% less water than conventional farms. 

What Are Camlock Fittings?

Camlock fittings, also known as Cam and Groove Fittings, are a quick and convenient tool used in connecting or alternatively disconnecting pipes, tubes, or hoses in any system. Systems that require efficient, leakage-free piping and aim to save the need for complex tools or equipment can use Camlock fittings; vertical farms are one such example. 

These fittings come with male and female ends that are interlinked and locked together securely. Since these are carefully designed to align with one another perfectly, there is a leak-proof full flow of the fluids. Moreover, it can support a wide range of fluids for transport, including semi-solids, pastes, and complete liquids. Systems that demand frequent connection and disconnection of the pipes can also benefit from Camlock fittings since they need just a few seconds to make a connection. 

Use of Camlock Fittings in Vertical Farms

You might be wondering, “how do Camlock fittings work?” Here we will discuss how Camlock fittings are used inside vertical farms for watering/irrigation systems. Camlock couplings are usually manufactured using stainless steel, nylon, brass, or aluminum alloy. This means they are less prone to degradation over time. Moreover, they have acid-resistant qualities that make them ideal for use in agricultural projects. Stainless steel Camlock fittings are incredibly popular due to their longevity in watering systems. 

Vertical farms use water that is to be continuously refiltered and entered into the system, acting as a closed loop. Camlock fittings can facilitate this movement of nutrient-rich water through the entirety of the closed-loop system without leakage and then back to the filtration center. Due to the quick security they provide, they are ideal for pipework in manual watering points and heavy-duty hoses such as those employed in vertical farms. Moreover, since these systems require a steady water supply, Camlock fittings are ideal solutions since they are efficient in pumping liquids. 

Advantages of Using Camlock Fittings in Vertical Farms


One of the biggest advantages of Camlock fittings is their longevity; they are able to deliver liquids for extended periods without corroding or wearing out.

Lower Labor Costs

As mentioned earlier, Camlock fittings do not need too much effort in coupling or decoupling. As a result, they do not need as much labor to operate them. You can therefore save labor costs.

Easy Maintenance

Another notable advantage of Camlock fittings is their minimal maintenance requirements. You should, however, keep routine maintenance scheduled for your Camlock couplings where you should inspect the system for any damage or deterioration.


A large part of why Camlock fittings are so successful is their convenience. Not only do they prevent leakages and deliver fluids a lot more efficiently, but they are also incredibly easy to operate and take mere seconds to establish a connection. It is equally easy to remove them once your job is complete. 

Moreover, they eliminate the need for more complex tools or equipment required in such instances. For example, the more conventional nut and bolt joint may not always be as tightened as you need them to be, can corrode easily, and take time to lock them into place or open them up. 

Union Metal for High-Quality Camlock and Groove Fittings

If you are looking for a reliable Camlock fittings manufacturer, look no further than Union Metal. With its 15 years of industry experience, today, the company ranks among the few leading brands known worldwide for its Camlock fittings. You want aluminum, Polypropylene, or stainless steel Camlock; Union Metal has it all. Specializing in the production of Camlock fittings, Union Metal also offers customization services to meet all their customer needs efficiently and effectively.