How Body Corporates Can Protect Strata Communities from Coronanvirus
The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a significant blow to all peoples around the world. The effects of the spread of this disease are numerous. Many changes have had to be made in drastically short periods, and adjustment has been difficult for most, if not all, people. The most effective transitions, however, are those that were implemented in a timely fashion and with decisive action.
For strata communities, any changes that are to be implemented must be agreed upon and brought forward by their respective body corporates. In this manner, body corporates take on the responsibility of ensuring the best practices are carried out for the safety and well being of their strata communities.
With this in mind, body corporates can take action in such ways as:
Providing Information
The body corporate can be set up as the primary source of information for the strata community as different sources of information emerge, and with opinions and misinformation running rampant. This information must be drawn from legitimate sources and compiled into bundles that are easily accessible to the members of the community. These pieces of information must be easy to understand and pertinent to the rules and regulations of the strata community.
Establishing Guidelines
The Australian Government, alongside other reputable health organisations, are consistently providing advice and policies on the best course of action. This information should be taken as a credible compass for the creation of a comprehensive template that establishes guidelines to be followed within a strata community. These guidelines should express the conduct that is expected of residents and visitors to the community alike. They should also state the responsibilities of the body corporate as well as the manager or other staff where applicable.
Some guidelines include the admonishment to wear masks that cover both the nose and mouth while out in enclosed public areas like the lobby of an apartment building. Another important consideration is the request that social distancing should be maintained at all times and as much as possible to minimise the risk of contact infection from person to person. The need for proper hygiene, especially hands that have been thoroughly washed, has also been emphasised.
Once guidelines are disseminated to the community, it is up to the body corporate to ensure that they are implemented. Enforcing the course of action that has been presented to the strata community could make a big difference in curbing the spread of the coronavirus within the community. This means that residents, as a whole, will be relatively safer and adverse consequences will be avoided.
Finally, consistency is vital. There are greater chances of success when all strategies are carried out with the same energy, for the appropriate periods, and are applied to all and sundry without the provision of additional exceptions and arbitrary concessions. This level of consistency is achieved through a qualified ‘governing body’ within the community – the body corporates.
The advent of the coronavirus pandemic has presented numerous and heretofore unseen challenges for body corporates all over the country. It is only those that approach the situation with calm and a resolute attitude toward giving their community the best chance at weathering this particular storm that will emerge victorious once the all-clear is declared.