Debunking Chiropractic Myths
Chiropractic care can help you deal with nerve and muscle pain, herniated discs, and shoulder pains. However, there exists many myths about the procedure since most people are not familiar with it. You may have been referred to a Middletown, DE chiropractor by a family member or friend after they experienced relief from pain, but may be reluctant to seek treatment due to having inaccurate information. If you are hesitant to schedule an appointment due to trust issues, continue reading on as we debunk the common myths about the practice.
1. Chiropractors Are Quacks
Some people argue that chiropractors are not real doctors and that they are quacks or frauds. Most of these people have yet to experience the benefits of chiropractic care based on science. Chiropractors spend four years mastering their skills after training before one can get their Doctorate degree. There are various fields in chiropractic care such as orthopedics and pediatrics, just like there are specializations in other areas of medicine.
2. Chiropractic Care Requires A Lifelong Commitment
Some patients think that their bodies will be unable to maintain the correct posture without visiting a chiropractor once they start treatment frequently. Chiropractic care is not addictive and you can expect your body to function normally without the need for care after your treatment. Most of the visits to Dr. Sheehan will help avoid the development of new problems that can occur due to body movements.
3. Chiropractors Require Referrals
Some people think of chiropractic care as the last option after other treatment plans have failed. When you visit your primary care doctor for treatment, they will refer you for a diagnosis to inform you about what is causing you pain. A chiropractor will establish the cause of pain using the same procedures and offer treatment simultaneously. The only difference between a chiropractor and other health care workers is that the former provides both diagnosis and treatment.
4. Chiropractic Treatments Only Works For Adults
Chiropractors attend to patients of various ages including children and those older in age. Pediatric chiropractors are trained to handle your child and you can book a consultation if you are not sure if they are of age to receive treatment. Your child can be an ideal candidate for chiropractic care if they spend time on electronic gadgets or are involved in sports.
5. Chiropractic Care is Dangerous
When performed correctly, Chiropractic care is an effective pain management treatment when performed by skilled medical practitioners. There is little chance for issues to arise after spinal manipulation. Compared to surgery where about 2% of patients die every year within 30 days after the procedure, there are minor chances for you to suffer a stroke after chiropractic treatment. The use of medication in pain relief also poses risks such as addiction and worsening pre-existing medical conditions.
Chiropractic care can seem intimidating at first, but it is a globally used treatment method. Thanks to the practice, you can prevent or postpone the use of invasive pain management procedures and medication use. Visit Pro Rehab Chiropractic and Rehabilitation today to learn more about the benefits of chiropractic treatment.