Easy Spring Updates for your Home
The change of seasons tends to inspire homeowners everywhere to begin home improvement projects that will add value to their homes, while staying within budget. It’s a time to get outside and evaluate what simply tasks can easily be done to improve the overall function of your home. There are numerous simple touches to add around the house that will include the functionality and overall value of your home, consider starting by replacing the chimney caps in your home. Chimney caps are less of a luxury and more of a necessity when you consider that they serve as a barrier to keep animals from your home, keep moisture at bay, and protect your roof.
Once you become a homeowner, it can feel like you are handling one problem after the next. It doesn’t have to be this way, especially if you engage in regular maintenance of the essential pieces that keep your home operating at its best. If it’s been a while since you’ve replaced your chimney caps, consider a chimney cap replacement as part of your spring cleaning home improvement efforts.
You may wonder what role chimney caps play in keeping your home running at top speed. First of all, a chimney cap plays a major role in keeping water out of your chimney. What is the harm in a little moisture? It may not seem threatening but when moisture from rain or snow enters your chimney, the water can leak into your attic, damaging the walls and ceilings. Choosing a chimney cap with a mesh side is an especially good idea as it will prevent rodents from entering your chimney as well. Birds, raccoons, snakes, and squirrels are attracted to a chimney’s warmth, which is bad news for the homeowner trying to keep their chimneys free of clogging. Not to mention, there is no smell quite as foul as a dead animal caught in a chimney. Chimney caps are highly effective in keeping unwanted visitors out and safeguarding what comes in and out of your home. Additionally, chimney caps are helpful in making your home more energy efficient, which is especially important if you live in a high wind area. Chimney caps keep cold blasts of air from entering your home and choosing caps with a mesh side will prevent rodents out of your chimney as well.
Adding a few improvements to your home doesn’t have to be costly or a huge investment of time. Too many homeowners let a chimney cap replacement fall far behind on their “to do” list, not considering it a major task that could potentially save you on potential future damage that results from unwanted animals, moisture, and burning embers starting a house fire. Copper chimney caps play an important role in your home’s functionality and when you consider how easy installation is, there is no good reason to hold off on replacing them. Chimney caps have a lifespan of anywhere from 3-5 years and prove to be a wise investment for your home.