Cosmetics Product List: What You Need to Know as a Beginner
Every woman needs to have a list of cosmetic products with them. Make up that will help them brighten their face even when they are having a bad day. With the right make up, nothing can go wrong. However sometimes one has the best make up but the wrong shades of color that make them look weird and sometimes even get acne break outs. You also have to consider buying the best quality possible for the best outcome.
Moisturizer is one products that should not miss in any woman’s wardrobe. It is a savior because while other products are meant to keep your face looking and feeling cool, the moisturizer protects your face from being too dry and cracking under the makeup you will be applying. No matter how oily or dry your face is, you should incest in a good moisturizer. Apply it on your face before you begin applying anything else on your face so that it can keep your skin soft and keep it from drying too much.
The basis of all make up application is to achieve a flawless face. Before you begin applying any other make up on your face or lips, a primer is key. It helps fill out he lines on your face and the pores on your face giving you a smoother more uniform look. It is also a great way of keeping your make up looking fresh all day. While other products may be helpful a primer will keep your makeup looking great.
Foundation is key in helping you even out your skin tone. Sometimes you find that some patches of your skin are not the same color as the rest of your face. To keep your face looking even you should use foundation. You have a variety of options to choose from, from powder, cream, liquid to a fluffy mouse. When buying make sure to test it out on your hand to make sure it is the same color as your skin. It should be applied everywhere on your face for the best results.
This is a great weapon for people who have black heads, white heads, pimples, and any blemish on the face. A good concealer should be the same color as your face. It will help you hide any facial imperfections you do not want people to notice on your face. It is used for extra coverage especially where the foundation did not to the trick quite as you wanted.
Blush, check coloring
Blush or cheek coloring is mostly used to create a more youthful look and prevent you from looking too pale and plastic. It adds color to your face making you look younger. It is also a great way to emphasize on your check bones. Blush is usually long lasting. You should however use only a small amount because they are usually pigmented.
Lipsticks contain oils and pigments which provide color on your lips. They give your lips better texture and add protection on the lips. There are many shades of lipstick that look great when applied. When shopping for lipstick always consider your skin tone. The key is to look at a color that goes well with your skin one without making you look weird, washed out or too colorful. The shade of lipstick you choose should also compliment other make up on your face without making you look too dramatic. The lipstick also needs to complement your silver heart necklace and the outfit you have worn.
It is a makeup product that no woman should leave the home without wearing. It is used to darken, lengthen and thicken your eyelashes. It makes your eyes sand out and keeps you looking great. Although it comes with bold colors like purple and pink, you also have more natural colors like black and brown. There are waterproof options to keep it from running when you cry or are rained on.