33 Beautiful Sunrise and Sunset Pictures
Nature, a wonderful creation of God has the power to inspire people. Have you ever seen the beauty of the sunrise? Have you ever thought what does it imply to the all the living creatures. Nature in all forms does signify something or the other. It is only we, the human who need to understand to what it is indicating. Nature is a source of education as well entertainment. It gives us immense pleasure and joy. Whenever you come across some scenic beauty you cannot stop yourself from giving a sigh of happiness. The beauty of nature overshadows your sorrows and helps you come out of it. Nature plays the role of a magician.
Life with its seemingly endless cycle – sunrise, sunset; sunrise, sunset. A catchy little two word phrase. Some one should use them for the bases of a song. Oh, that’s right. Someone did a couple a decades ago. Life has a way of continuing as it always has. The cycle becomes hypnotic to us. So the days pass trance-like.