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10 Travel Trailer Camping Ideas That Will Make Your Holidays Perfect

Are you planning for a great camping time but a newbie at the camping world with atravel trailer? Well, don’t feel bad cause everything has a first time. And more or less everyonegoes through this phase already. I love to travel and for that reason, I also bought a travel trailer a while ago. I really had a hard time figuring out its proper usage. But don’t fear you have reached to this post and I guarantee you this post will take you in the right direction and make you a happy camper.


If your travel trailer does not have enough solar power and does not have the luxury of recharging your power generator and battery devices, it will be troublesome. Especially if you are planning on camping for a longer period of time outside of civilization this will create a serious problem. So, you better bring one or two used portable generators with you while going out for camp. This will kind of reduces your power struggle. Rechargeable generators are highly recommended. As you can plug devices into it which you cannot do with the gas running ones.

2.Starting up a fire and having a Mamma Miya! Barbecue:

A camp without a campfire and barbeque cannot be considered a proper camp. Also, you do not want your kitchen and bedroom to be in the same room now do you? So, while you are camping with your travel trailer it is best to cook food outside the trailer. And the most fun of cooking outside is doing a barbeque. The hardest part about barbecue isn’t the food preparing phase or the cooking itself, it’s actually making up the fire and keeping it lit. Well, you should take a lighter with you to avoid risk. Set up the firewood in a pyramid shape, with kindle in between. It is very important to shaping and setting the firewood properly. Then just use the lighter to lit it up. You can fry marshmallows also. Oh! Also make extra food that will give support for the next few days as making up the fire is kind of inconvenient.

3.Waste and Sanitation:

Finding an RV dump station is the hardest part of camping inside a travel trailer. It will very tricky to find one. If you are having too much trouble finding one, then just switch to plan B and do it yourself. All you have to do is hook up the tube to the spout on the RV, point the other end of the tube into a drain. Then you pull the black water nod to release, same for the grey water nod. After all the stuff gets empty from the tank close the valve rinse and voila you have done it!


Insects and bugs are annoying especially because these creatures are the only thing that keeps campers away from enjoying their trip to the full extent.

Just thinking about something flying or crawling around or on my bed gives me the shivers! And I guess that experience is not going to be pleasant for you folks too. So, don’t forget to bring your bug repellent. Apart from that, you can use vinegar and mint to keep bugs away from you. Bug bites are not cherishing. So, you can dab some protection cream or vinegar on you to for avoiding the risk.

Also, you can bring a mint plant with you. As bugs hate mint the plant will help the most to keep bugs away. If you are planning on staying out the most then wearing a bug jacket will be a wise plan.

5.Finding the right spot:

Placing your travel trainer is a very important task. You have to place it on a flat ground. If you do not park it on a flat ground, then it might damage the fridge of your trailer. Also, it will feel weird inside the trailer seeing stuff, not on a level. Also, park it in a place where you can set up a campfire near to it. If the weather is hot, then park it under a tree.

6.Cleaning the RV:

No matter how long we camp the trailer is going to be your home for that long. And no one wants to live in a dirty house. So, cleaning it up regularly is a must even if they are dusty or they are covered with twigs and leaves or they are wet from the rain. Do bring your dusters and swiping equipment with you. Also, do clean up your campfire area.

7.The Water System:

There are going to be three tanks for storing water inside your trailer. Do keep one tank for drinking water, one for normal use and one for sanitation. This division is very important as you are going to be out from civilization. Do also take a mini water filter with you to avoid risk. Hand sanitizers are highly recommended as well.

8.Pack Your Travel Trailer Carefully:

Well as you are going camping you definitely will be needing a lot of equipment. Space and weight should be in your consideration while packing your trainer. The best way would be making up a camping packing checklist and then packing stuff. Gather everything that you need for a particular section of the RV and when you will have everything just put the items in storage containers in or near the area where they will be used. You should also tick up the travel trailer setup checklist for avoiding risk.

9.Truck/ Bus stops:

You can always consider parking your car near a bus or truck stop. This will not only help to secure yourself more but also will be helpful towards your sanitation programs. Also, the places are designed considering the fact that trucks and buses will be parked there. So, that will be beneficial towards your travel trailer.


No matter how adventurous your mind is safety should always be your first concern. Do everything you want within the limit. Also, do not leave your travel trainer without locking it up. It should have been mentioned earlier, you must get a good set of trailer lock kit.

Follow these trailer camping tips and hacks to make your trip easier. It will not take you much time to master them up. Enjoy Your Travel Trailer Camping Adventures!