The WoW Style

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Why is a Cigar Humidor Essential?

Cigar humidors are one of the best ways to store and protect a quality cigar, providing superior humidity and temperature control for up to 50 days. If you are serious about cigars, you know that you cannot depend on the air in your home for humidification. Most people store their cigars out of sight, and while this might seem like a good idea, a smoky room can create an environment too hot for cigars. This also means that moisture, condensation and humidity will settle down on the cigars and should be prevented from settling onto them. Here are five reasons why is a cigar humidor is an essential and beneficial product:

  • Combustion is more stable

Having a humidified environment helps the combustion process by providing the optimum temperature and humidity for combustion. If your cigar has been in an un-humidified environment, the heat generated by combustion might have seeped through the outer shell and further diminished its integrity.

By employing a humidifier, the heat is directed downwards, keeping the contents of your humidor fresher and ensuring maximum cigar performance. That’s why you need to pick a best performance cigar humidor for you.

  • Minimizes dust, moisture and odor

Cigar humidors are generally devoid of clutter and are fairly clean and clutter-free. A traditional metal humidor (picture below) doesn’t typically store all the cigars in a cigar’s life, however some of them might still be living there.

In this situation, we need a humidity device to manage humidity and prevent the cigars in the humidor from becoming moldy, and provide a continuous supply of air. Because cigar boxes are open, the cigars could easily absorb moisture from the humidity and add to the need for a humidifier.

  • Keeps the humidity consistent

As a cigar humidor is designed to ensure the optimal temperature and humidity for storing cigars, it should also provide a constant supply of air. This is very important because the constant flow of humidified air helps to dry out the humidor’s contents, ensuring their freshness.

There is no exact way to do this, but it can be done by simply opening and closing the lid. This forces the humidification process, ensuring that the humidity is constant.

  • Controlled airflow

Most cigar humidors have an opening that allows air to flow from the top down. This is because of the humidification process and the need to distribute humidified air.

However, if you’re in a humid environment that doesn’t have much airflow, you may wish to fill your humidor with a capacity of 6 to 8 inches below the top of the case.

  • Drying

When you go to put the cigars in your humidor, you want to be able to dry out the cigars before storage. A variety of cigars can last for a number of years in their natural state, even if they are not perfectly stored. But these can also dry out quickly.

If you don’t do anything to dry them out, it will be the smoker’s job to ensure that the cigars last through the smoking process. A humidifier removes moisture and removes the need for the cigar smoker to do this, allowing your cigars to last longer.

Final Words:

To be a responsible cigar smoker, you must not forget about your cigar humidor. If you do, then you may be burning your investment before it has finished its life.