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What AC Temperature is Best for Allergies?

Seasonal allergies often manifest themselves during fall and can linger into winter, but air conditioners can provide much-needed relief by filtering the air and controlling humidity levels.

ACs remove dust particles, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores from the air while simultaneously dehumidifying them to help stop mildew growth and other allergenic fungus growth.

If your AC isn’t reaching the ideal temperature, you may need to schedule an AC tune-up. Click the following link to reach out to some of the top HVAC Contractors in Colorado:


At peak allergy season, people suffering from allergies often stay indoors with doors and windows shut to try and block out allergens; however, this may result in increased symptoms as pollutants become trapped inside their homes and become exposed.

Air conditioning can help relieve allergy symptoms by filtering out allergens like dust particles, pollen, mold spores, and pet dander. Furthermore, its ability to reduce humidity helps avoid mildew growth contributing to allergic reactions while improving indoor air quality.

Maintaining an ideal temperature range between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit can help allergy sufferers alleviate their symptoms more effectively, and using an air purifier can further improve indoor air quality and comfort. 

Air purifiers have proven more efficient at eliminating allergens than fans at reducing them from the air, using less energy than AC units while filtering out more of the pollutants that cause allergies – plus having a longer lifespan than fans!

Hand with remote control directed on air conditioner


Many people suffer from allergies due to dust mites, pet dander, mold and mildew growth, pollen, or outdoor allergens. Air conditioning systems can help mitigate indoor allergens if used appropriately and maintained regularly – only then will their benefits become apparent.

Allergies can worsen with high humidity levels, creating an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, mildew, mold, and dust mites. Humidity also makes your home feel stuffy, leading to condensation on windows that develops an unpleasant mildewed odor.

Air conditioners can help regulate humidity levels at healthy levels by filtering out various allergens from the air such as dust particles, pollen grains, mold spores and pet dander. Air conditioning also prevents mildew growth by decreasing humidity in your home.


Springtime plants release pollen that can trigger allergy symptoms in many people. At this time of year, it’s crucial that doors and windows remain closed when running your AC to protect yourself from inhaling allergens.

However, an air conditioner with poor filters or that doesn’t function as expected could spread indoor allergens through your home – from pollen entering through open windows and doors during spring and summer to mold spores thriving in damp conditions and dust mites living on pillows, blankets, curtains, carpeting or furniture.

There are ways to keep allergens out of your home, though. Dehumidifiers and air filtration devices can reduce indoor humidity levels, while regular vacuuming with HEPA filter vacuum cleaners is an ideal way to rid yourself of allergens like mold spores and allergens.


Air conditioning systems that are regularly serviced and feature filters with high MERV ratings – like those installed by professionals – can greatly benefit allergy sufferers, helping keep dust mites and other allergens under control and providing much-needed filtered air circulation.

Air conditioners do more than remove pollutants like pet dander, mold spores and pollen from the air; they also lower humidity – one major contributor to allergy symptoms. A leaky drain pan or condensation line can circulate damp air through your vents into your home and encourage mold growth that triggers allergy symptoms for some people.

Preventing these issues is easier than you may think by having your AC unit regularly serviced and keeping a dehumidifier on hand, which are simple measures that can make an enormous difference for those living with allergies in Colorado. If your allergies worsen during springtime, now may be an opportune time to service your air conditioner!