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Ways to boost your energy naturally

Do you feel like you’re running empty? You’re probably not the only one in your group of friends. One of the most common complaints among adults is lack of energy and fatigue. 30% of patients visiting their healthcare provider complain of low levels of energy and fatigue. Research shows that women report fatigue more commonly than men, which shouldn’t surprise anyone because they’re taught to push through their days even if they’re not fully charged. Everyone wants to get a magic pill to boost energy throughout the day so they can finish their tasks. But it’s not very simple because there is no one solution to fit everyone. However, a couple of changes in your lifestyle can give you the boost of energy you need

Sleep around 7 or 8 hours at night

You’ll say that this sounds easier than done, and it’s obvious, but you cannot squeeze 8 hours of sleep into your busy schedule. However, failing to get a good night of rest makes it challenging for you to function the following day. Similar to most people these days, you probably don’t practise good sleeping habits. Your lifestyle most likely impacts your sleep quality. It’s time to improve your sleep hygiene, meaning that you should use your bed solely for sex and sleep. Watching TV, playing with your phone, or eating in bed aren’t allowed. 

Specialists recommend disconnecting any blue light or device one hour before bed. Blue light devices disturb the natural release of melatonin, the hormone that signals your brain that it’s the moment to wind down for sleep. 

Exercise more

When you exercise, your body produces more endorphins that make you happy. And as any of us found from Legally Blonde, “Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t”. Your body releases natural hormones called endorphins when you experience a burst of energy, and the more endorphins it releases, the more energetic and happier you’ll feel. Research suggests that if you live a sedentary lifestyle, you feel tired all the time. 

You’ll say that exercising more is another tip that is easier said than done. Working out is probably the last thing on your mind when you can barely complete all your work tasks in a day. However, a minimum of 20 minutes of daily exercising can make you feel more energized and therefore, you’ll be more effective at completing your tasks. 

Essential minerals and vitamins

Sometimes, your body is deficient in essential minerals and vitamins for your mood and energy. We’re talking about trace minerals and B vitamins. Trace minerals found in organic fulvic ionic acid are crucial for improving your wellness and health. They remove toxins from your body, protect it from free radical damage, and increase energy levels and concentration. B vitamins are essential in methylation, a complex process that influences how your body reacts to stress, and B vitamins also affect how your body converts foods to energy. 

Learn to breathe

You live in an era when everyone is in constant motion. You’re always in a hurry to get from a place to another and complete a different task. But you should add ten minutes to your list of things to do to focus on yourself and relieve stress. This innate mechanism can prove crucial to your daily energy and clarity. 

Science reveals that the human body is in a constant fight or flight signal, and therefore it never really relaxes. It fails to function correctly when you allow it to stay in this state for prolonged periods. Consequently, you must try and reset this signal daily by engaging in some mindful activities. Some simple breathing exercises can prove quite helpful

You can try a simple breathing technique called 4-7-8. You must inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat the exercise ten times, and you’ll reach a state of calmness that allows your brain and body to relax and gives you a boost of energy. Learn more about breathing app & exercises to boost your energy.

Pay attention to your diet

Have you noticed that your productivity levels decrease when you eat an unhealthy meal? Food affects your energy. Processed foods, fatty foods, and simple carbohydrates have a negative effect on your energy levels because they trigger a spike in blood sugar. You experience an initial high after eating them, but it quickly dissipates because the blood sugars drop quickly. Therefore, switch to a healthy fats, complex carbs, and lean protein diet. 

Besides eating healthy, you should also train yourself to provide your body with the needed amount of water. Water is your body’s gas, and if you deprive it of its natural fuel, it fails to function properly. It’s advisable to drink at least 6 glasses of water daily. Set a timer on your phone if you forget to drink water; it can prove quite helpful.