Watch out boys, there really is such a thing as an ex-boyfriend database
Cheaters are no longer safe, thanks to the bad boyfriend database. Women are flocking to the website girlpowergirlstrong.com to keep track of relationships that didn’t end so well.
After decades of getting away with mistreating women, they’ve decided to take action. Women are coming together to report their jerky ex-boyfriends.
The site gives women a place to chat about their negative experiences regarding past relationships. So, if you’re planning on cheating on your girlfriend, you might want to reconsider, that is, if you’re not keen on ending up on the bad boyfriend list.
Although the site forbids posting actual personal contact information, so it falls just short of doxing a poor bloke, the site does allow women to post their stories of their ex-boyfriends.
Mira from Naperville, Illinois, writes in about her boyfriend Mike, who she calls a “textbook covert narcissist.”
Kim from Denver, Colorado, writes in to say that she dated her boyfriend Steve for 6 years, and he turned out to be a “pathological liar,” and that he was a “smooth-talking con artist”.
Some of the stories are short and to the point, like the entry that says her ex-boyfriend Kevin from Ohio is a cheater with an STD.
Then there are others who go into long details about their history, such as the story about James from Chicago. This former Navy SEAL really seemed to upset his ex-girlfriend. She wrote in telling all about their four-year relationship, that, as you might have guessed, didn’t end well.
I spoke to the owner of the website, who assures me, it isn’t really a place to bash men as much as it is meant to empower women, giving them a place to go to get advice about dating and relationships and, yeah, rant about their ex-boyfriends sometimes too.
“The idea for the ex-boyfriend database came from a single post, about my best friend’s ex-husband who cheated on her and left her and her two children to fend for themselves while he hooked up with a 19-year-old that he met online,” Tracy, the owner of Girl Power, Girl Strong, explains. “After I posted the story about Doug, women started to write in and tell me their own stories about their horrible ex-boyfriends, and I realized I really needed to open up a place for anyone who wanted to share their story. And that’s really how the ex-boyfriend database came about.”
It truly has been a long time coming. Why would you even get into a relationship if all you plan on doing is hurting your partner? The ex-boyfriend list finally puts a stop to this, seeing as the consequence of being ostracized from dating forever is just far too severe if all you’re getting out of it is an unhappy girlfriend.
That being said, this is not a vindictive platform that aims to single out any one individual or slander the loyal boyfriends out there. In fact, there are strict guidelines in place to ensure no private information – for example, home address, phone number, or workplace – is made public. If these rules are violated, the offender risks their account being suspended or having their entry deleted. This is really just a place where women can share their pain and, in the process, work through the trauma. Moreover, others who might know the man in question in real life will know to better keep their distance – this way, nobody gets hurt, it even helps to avoid future negativity.
With more than 400 entries and more added all the time, I can’t help but feel sorry for the poor schmuck that breaks up with a woman who finds the GirlPowerGirlStrong.com. Because now she can out every little bad thing you ever did to her.
If you have been in a toxic relationship (or worse yet; still are!) GirlPowerGirlStrong.com might be something you should look into further. Talking about your pain can be tremendously cathartic. And maybe you can help others who struggle with the same issues – maybe you can even make a friend throughout this process!
Think of this endeavor as poetic justice coming back around to haunt those who have wronged others. At the end of the day, the goal here is not per se to punish those who have displayed bad behavior, but rather to raise awareness and thereby hopefully make relationships healthier for everybody involved.
But don’t forget: girls are talking– especially now that the bad boyfriend list has been established.