Men’s Health Check and Well Woman Check: Everything You Need to Know
Celebrating your 13th birthday means that you have stepped into the age of maturity! It’s the time for a teen when they are in need of counselling not only about sexual health but also because there are some other complications that usually women have to confront!
Hence a well woman check is necessary to ensure the health status of the new adult woman! But most girls are unaware of the well woman check. Likewise men are often unaware of their need to go to a mens health check which is why they usually hesitate to visit the doctor for a regular checkup!
Are you one of those people willing to go for medical checkups but cannot visit your physician due to a lack of knowledge? Don’t worry; we are here to help you walk through this!
What You Need to Know About The Well Man/Well Woman Check
Unfortunately, man and women neglect the signs and symptoms of a disease and avoid visiting their regular checkups. The ultimate consequence of ignoring the indications leads to complications of the matter.
Therefore, the strong pillar supporting the well man and well woman check is to control the disease before it gets worse. On-time diagnosis and initiation of the medicines for the treatment can save the life from lethal diseases like cancer and hepatitis!
Panel Examination
If it’s your first checkup, then you may be nervous! Take a deep breath and enter the room to counter the panel’s questions. Doctors and nurses will be sitting there to ask you some questions about your health!
You need to answer them without faking or lying. If you try to hide the facts from the troubleshooters, you may end up with something more painful in the long run. Your doctors can’t help you if you don’t tell them the facts.
The interactive session will cover the questions like age, weight, height, family history, etc.
Physical Examination
During the well womans check interactive session, the doctor has to palpate for the proper examination. Physical examination is necessary in case of breast cancer and cervix diseases.
The doctor has to check for any lump or outgrowth in the breast. Furthermore, the shape and size of breasts are significant during the examination.
Cervix examination includes checking an outgrowth or lesion in the outer region of the urogenital tract. In addition, any lump or raised skin may indicate a human papillomavirus infection.
Blood Screening
Some diseases like diabetes, hepatitis, and STIs are hard to diagnose by interaction with the patient and physical examination. Therefore, blood samples are needed to perform confirmatory tests for the diagnosis.
The worst part is that some diseases do not give symptoms at the onset! So that the patient remains undiagnosed until the situation goes out of hand. However, the phlebotomy process is slightly painful for females, but there is no other option.
The counseling session is best because the doctors and nurses guide you on what you need to do when you notice any signs and symptoms. In case of diagnosis of a disease, the doctors brief about the medication and sympathize with the patient.
After the check, the patient’s family is briefed on the patient’s condition. The guidelines include behaviour with the patient, diet, and medication.
Last Words
There is no need to scare of the diagnosis as treatment isn’t possible until the root cause is undercover. So that was all you need to know about the men’s health check and well woman check! Don’t waste a minute and make an appointment with your doctor!