How to Keep Baby Safe at Home – Baby Proof House
Baby proofing your home will make it safe for your child. It can be an overwhelming task with parents having to inspect the home for areas to work on, having to shop around for baby proofing products, and then installing all that is required for infant safety at home. You can see also babygadgetlab.
Baby proofing is important and cannot be avoided with children in the home. Children are too fast and will be onto something they shouldn’t handle the second your attention is shifted. You will want safe spaces where you must not be on guard to say no. The process can be simplified by following your intuition as opposed to purchasing all newly launched safety products. Some of the best recommendations from pediatricians and other professionals are to get rid of items that pose risks in the home such as fireplace tools.
The following are some steps that will help in baby proofing your home:
Keep Bathrooms Locked
The bathroom poses several risks to your child. Children can drown in small amounts of water that are common in the bathroom. Children will also get drawn to cabinets that store medication, detergents and cleaning agents which are highly toxic.
Keep bathrooms secured or locked to restrict access. Toilets should have covers and doors can be fixed with child-proof locks. Other measures to take for include setting the water heater to temperatures not greater than 120 degrees Fahrenheit to cut back on the risk of scalding or serious burns. Injuries and deaths from tap water scalds are most common in children under five years of age.
Finally, parents should at all times accompany their young children in the bathroom. Leaving children in there unsupervised for long periods may increase the risk of injury.
Install Baby Gate around Stairs
Parents should exercise caution around staircases in a home with young children. From about six months of age when the baby can start to move about, start to install baby gates for their safety. You will need baby gates at the top of stairways to prevent dangerous falls. It will also help to lock doors that lead to stairways to ensure the baby is safe.
Choose secure and certified baby gates for installation in the home. The gates must be of appropriate height, must be securely fixed or screwed into place, and must not have a bar at the bottom that poses the risk of tripping over. Read this article to learn more on how to choose gates that must serve their purpose of keeping babies safe but not add to risks in the home.
Ensure the Baby Crib Is Safe
The crib and crib mattress are potential causes of injuries and even death to babies. Parents should buy cribs with the appropriate rail-height for their age for infant safety. Always have the rails at the recommended setting for your baby as they continue to grow to lower the risk of pulling up and launching themselves out of the crib and into potential danger.
Avoid placing items into the crib including pillows and blankets since they become a hazard. Even crib bumpers are not recommended since they may detach and tangle up choking or strangulating the baby.
Check for Heavy Object in the House
Babies will soon be moving either through crawling, rolling or their first tiny steps across the house. Parents should immediately get to their level to see the world from their perspective and identify potential hazards.
Nine-month-old babies will be tagging at items such as furniture and utensils in the home which may topple on them with catastrophic outcomes. It is time to remove heavy items such as lamps and TVs placed on furniture that can be shaken off or topple and it is time to anchor furniture to walls to baby-proof the house. Some of these accidents happen within a split second and securing furniture to walls will keep baby safe and eliminate preventable injuries in children.
Electrical Fittings and Outlets
Children between 15 and 18 months are avid explorers often sticking things into other things including electrical sockets. Baby proofing electrical outlets will call for tightly fitting covers over sockets and other outlets so that babies cannot access them at all.
Window Blinds
Children will continuously put items around their necks however many times you warn them not to. Place blind cords out of the reach of children to prevent accidental strangulation. Other ways to baby-proof the home is through the installation of cordless or inaccessible cord window coverings in place of corded window coverings in the home.
Identify Sharp Corners
Get to the baby’s level and identify all sharp corners in the home. Babies are somehow attracted to sharp corners with a high risk of injury. Buy and install corner guards for tables and other furniture and safety padding for other corners to have a baby proof house and safeguard against injuries.
Create Safe Play Spots
Identify a specific room in the home to create a safe play area for your child. The safe play area should be outfitted with toys and play items that the baby loves and should have adjustable height to the growth of the baby. You now have a space to contain the child and keep them busy while you can handle other tasks such as preparing dinner or handling potentially risky apparatus.
Other measures to take include; keeping electrical apparatus such as irons away from the reach of children, covering radiators and heating vents, checking the yard for poisonous plants and getting rid of them, installing latches to close drawers, cupboards, toddler safe screen and doors to keep children off these places, and vacuuming regularly to get rid of small items from the floor that may pose physical harm to the baby.
In conclusion, buy and install safety equipment such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits that will help you keep the home baby safe and even help to handle emergencies. Have emergency numbers near your fixed line or other prominent areas in the home to ensure help can be sought effectively and fast. Keep an eye out online for more parenting tips on blogs like Serenity Kids.