How To Heat A Tent: Simple Tips For Campers
Camping is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city for a few days to relax truly, leaving all the problems behind. There are many places in the USA for good outdoor recreation during the warm and winter seasons. But the question is: do I need to buy several tents for different seasons? Not really. In this article, I’ll show you how to heat your tent in the winter so that your camping house stays open all year round. Sit back and get it in just five minutes.
So here’s what I have. I searched for a long time and finally bought perhaps the best 4-season tent 6 person in my opinion. At least this is perfect for me, as I like to get out into nature with friends. Since this tent was originally designed for different seasons, it already has some design features for better thermal insulation. Let’s deal with this and set up a tent.
Structural Elements Of A Tent To Protect You From The Cold
My tent is designed for six people, so a tarpaulin, a top awning, and an additional mosquito net are initially provided here. All of these elements have a specific function. The tarp provides the best stability for my tent; the awning protects from precipitation, and the mesh prevents unwanted guests from getting inside. However, all this also improves the camp house’s thermal insulation and minimizes the humidity inside. Many of the cheaper tents don’t have tarps and awnings, so if you’re camping in the winter or high-altitude areas, I recommend buying these extras to ensure you’re more comfortable during your retreat.
Pick A Good Site
One of the factors to pay attention to when camping is the choice of the spot where you would like to camp.
Choosing a campsite is crucial, especially when it comes to keeping the warmth inside the tent.
Here are a few factors to consider before setting up a tent:
- Windy places. Avoid places with strong gusts of wind and drafts because the cold wind prevents the tent from warming to a comfortable temperature during the day and speeds up heat loss at night. It is best to set up a tent among trees, as well as near artificial or natural barriers.
- Avoid peaks. It is better to set up camp low. The wind is stronger on the hills in the mountains, so it is more cold there. In addition, you may become more vulnerable to external weather factors by setting up a tent on a hill.
- Sunny place. Determine from which side the sun sets and rises and also which places the sun’s rays fall the most early in the morning. Avoid shady places, especially during winter and fall camping.
Sleeping Bag Matters
Think carefully about what kind of sleeping bag you need. I recommend spending the money and buying at least two bags if you’re camping all year round. The lightweight bag is ideal for summer as it will keep you cool. Such a bag does not take up much space and does not weigh much, so it can be easily carried with you if you do not have a car. But I find it hard to imagine real camping without a car because you have to transport a large tent (a small one + an awning + a tarp) and a heavy winter sleeping bag. They are expensive, but if you love camping, love your health too, okay? A winter bag will protect you from hypothermia and colds and ensure a healthy and sound sleep even in the most extreme conditions.
Don’t Forget Your Sleeping Mat
I know some daredevils who don’t use sleeping mats at all, but this is sheer folly. Of course, if the ground below you is not rocky and you are vacationing in the summer, you can survive a night or two without a mat, but there are certain risks here:
- it is not comfortable, so in the morning, you may feel pain; in the future, this can lead to problems with the spine (especially with the cervical region) if you travel often;
- your sleeping bag will be cold even in summer, which means it will be more difficult for you to fall asleep;
- you can catch a cold or even get sick with cystitis.
I recommend using insulated army sleeping mats. Yes, they are expensive, but, firstly, they retain heat better, and secondly, they fold like an accordion, which is much more convenient than folding the mat into a tube. An option for the coolest campers is a fold-out portable bed, but it’s really something you can do without, even though it’s very convenient.
Warm Pajamas Are No Joke
You’re more likely to sweat if you’ve been out all day, even in winter. And even if your body is warm, it can play a cruel joke, as the moisture on the body will cool it even more when you stop moving. This can lead to hypothermia and subsequent health problems. In the end, sleeping in sweaty clothes is just unpleasant. Therefore, I recommend taking a set of clothes for sleeping with you. It can be warm pajamas or just a home sweater, for example.
Warm Up Before You Go To Sleep
This is very simple but powerful advice. Sit by the fire and converse with your friends before heading off to bed. A warm body will quickly heat up the sleeping bag, and you will be able to sleep well. And if you also take care of the thermal insulation of the tent and dry and clean clothes for sleeping, it will be even better! You will sleep like a baby!
Do You Need A Heater In The Tent?
A tent heater is also a great way to keep warm in cold weather. Today you can find many safe wood stoves for tents that will keep your hot tent at a comfortable temperature all day long. Of course, you should never forget about safety, but the likelihood of fire is extremely small if you buy a good stove.