7 Ways to Survive Social Distancing Without Going Crazy
Stuck at home during the quarantine? Bored out of your mind? Us too! We’ve compiled these seven survival tips to help you stay sane while social distancing.
Who would have thought that a pandemic would change our world and lives so much?
It’s no secret that we’ve all been trying to manage the best we can. But, keeping your distance from others to help control the spread of the disease isn’t easy.
Yes, it’s the selfless thing to do, but it’s also challenging. After all, we need human contact to be happy and feel connected to others.
During this time, you should tell yourself that this is only temporary. If you and your loved ones stay positive, you can keep pressing forward until things get better.
We’ve created a guide to help you survive social distancing. Here are some tips to help you cope during this time.
1. Call Friends and Family More Often
Now more than ever, you need to reach out to your family and friends. Call or text them frequently.
And thanks to social media, there are several other ways to stay in touch. Check in with them on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. Even if you’re just sharing cute animal pictures with each other, it’ll help you feel less alone.
Make an effort to communicate in other ways, too. Consider hosting a Zoom party with your family, or even watching a Netflix movie together online.
If you use your imagination, being away from friends and family won’t be as difficult.
2. Get Some Fresh Air
Being cooped up indoors isn’t great for your mental health.
If you have long work hours and are working at home, being stuck inside can take its toll on you. That’s why it’s essential to take small breaks.
Even if you’re not able to get a full-blown workout in, step outside and get some fresh air.
You can walk around your apartment complex or, if time allows, walk around the entire neighborhood. Getting your blood pumping and having a change of scenery can do wonders.
When time allows, try to go on a long walk. Or, sit in nature and meditate. Anything that involves going outside and getting your mind off a busy day is good for you. It helps to minimize stress, which is important during this time.
So, be sure to spend at least a few minutes outside every day. Whether you get some heart-pumping exercise or simply sit down and enjoy the fresh air, you won’t regret it.
3. Keep a To-Do List for When Your Bored
After a while, it’s only natural to get bored when you’re stuck inside. That’s why you should create a list of things to do. When you don’t feel like doing anything, pull out the list.
You may not always feel like doing what’s on the list, but don’t let a lack of motivation stand in your way.
Not sure what to put on your list? Here are a few ideas:
- Start writing in a journal.
- Practice a new hobby, such as playing guitar.
- Put together a puzzle.
- Clean your apartment.
- Text or call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.
4. Cuddle Up With a Pet
If you don’t have a pet and would like one, don’t hold back any longer. Since you’re spending more time inside, it’s the perfect time to get a new furry family member.
Getting a dog, in particular, can bring you comfort while social distancing. If you happen to work at home, a dog will make the perfect co-worker (so long as he doesn’t distract you from work!).
Having a pet cuddle up next to you is terrific. Not only will you have a new best friend, but your pet will love being a part of your life. You can become two peas in an apartment pod!
5. Avoid Sugar Crashes
During social distancing, you may develop a sweet tooth. But, although sugar is tasty, it can affect your mood and lead to a sugar crash.
If you get into the habit of overeating sugar, your body won’t function as well. You’ll get grouchy and tired, plus you’ll only want more sugar. That’s a bad combination!
Therefore, you should try to get your sugar fix in healthier ways. Eat a sweet apple or strawberries instead of reaching for the cookies.
It’s okay to indulge in a few sweets once in a while. But, eating sugary snacks in moderation will help you feel better mentally and physically.
6. Make Plans for the Future
Don’t feel guilty about looking forward to the future. Making plans will give you something to get excited about.
Take out a pen and paper and write a bucket list of places and people you want to see.
On your list, you can include a few new cities you’d like to explore. Or, write down a few local activities you can’t wait to do in the future.
Think outside the box and consider who might want to do some of these activities with you.
That way, when it’s okay to get out and about, you’ll already have a fun plan in place!
7. Be Patient With Yourself
Don’t be hard on yourself if you struggle with all the changes that come with a pandemic.
Staying away from people goes against human nature, so it’s only natural to feel frustrated.
If you find yourself having negative thoughts, change your way of thinking. Realize it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling and that there are things you can do to cope during this time.
We’ve covered many ways you can make the most out of your situation. And you may have some of your own ideas, as well.
The bottom line is this:
Figure out ways to make it through without blaming yourself.
Giving yourself a hard time is only going to aggravate the situation. Instead, focus on finding a way through it.
In Conclusion
It takes time to get used to this new way of living. After all, we’ve never been through anything like this before.
We hope this guide helps you avoid boredom and stay calm. There are going to be good and bad days, but never give up hope.
Things are bound to get better, and soon enough, social distancing will be a thing of the past.
Until then, do your best and take care of others. We’ll all make it through this time together!
Author Bio:
Caitlin Sinclair leads the property management team at GIO Apartments.