18 Extraordinary Examples Of Origami Paper Art
Origami, the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, might have actually originated in China. Papermaking was developed in China and some of the oldest surviving examples of folding paper models are from there.
Origami is one of the simplest and oldest forms of paper art. A few folds and olla…you get a beautiful sofa, bird, animal, mountains, you name it and it is there.
As a beginner do not be disheartened if you get it right the first time. Also do not give up if you are not able to complete it and get the final look. Keep trying should be your motto.
Origami paper is the art of folding art and is often associated with the Japanese Culture. Here on Homesthetics we have featured a big variety of articles that have paper as the common factor yet few have been as extraordinary as the ones that you will see below. Keep in mind that pieces are realized without using glue or scissors out of just one single sheet of paper. Origami paper art requires a patient, accurate and creative mind as the pictures underneath will point out.