Which nail bit should you choose?
What is a nail-bit?
A nail bit is similar to a nail file as it is used to shape nails using an appliance that rotates. They are attached to an electrical handpiece that files the nail in different ways to save the technician time and effort than a normal nail file would use. A nail bit has two main parts to it, first the shank which is a cylinder rod shape used in portable nail drills. Nail drill bits were originally used on materials such as wood and metal and the first nail drill used a simple cylinder rod with a band attached. Since technology has developed through the years nail bits have been made from better materials and can now carry out more complex tasks like removing top coats, removing excess acrylic, and other more tricky jobs.
How do nail drill bits work?
The head of the drill bits is the most important section of the drill as this contains small cutting edges that file softer edges when pressed against them, such as a top layer of gel on a nail. These edges are extremely small and fine so if touched on the skin they do not cause much damage, making it a safe tool to use however if careless with them and put your whole hand around them this can cause some harm. The drill bits only function in one direction and the edges only go in one direction and so you can get right hand and left-hand drill bits.
Safety precautions of nail bits
Most importantly, it is recommended that you wear goggles at all times when using or practicing with nail drill bits as they can be rather dangerous to use without any protection. It is also urged that you do not turn the nail drill on the highest speed setting and this could cause the drill to break but the most important pieces of the drill could come off into your eyes. It is recommended that beginning nail technicians use the mandrel with sanding bands as it is the safest drill-like product and gives them an idea of how to sand and gain the experience of using a drill without the risk of hurting themselves.
Are nail drill bits cost-effective?
There is a wide range of nail drill bits to purchase and all come in a different range of prices. Most drill bits do cost between 10 to 20 dollars if any more you are definitely overspending. The best place to purchase these drill bits is from a local nail store for professional nail technicians so you can physically check what you’re buying. They are also available to purchase on big company websites such as Amazon that cater to a wide range of nail tech supplies. You should always make sure that you are purchasing drill bits from actual stores and not being scammed by fake advertising which sometimes makes you pay more than you actually need to.