Pageant Perfection – 4 Essentials For Standing Out In The Modern Pageant World
Pageants are an age-old tradition in many parts of the world, and participation is often passed down through generations, much like your grandmother’s pearls. Modern pageants, however, are a far cry from their humble roots, and standing out is now a lot harder than simply having a pretty dress and a nice singing voice.
Our world is already centered around perfection, and everyone faces pressure to be the best version of themselves, but in the pageant world, this is amplified tenfold. That’s why we’ve put together this list designed to equip both first-timers and those looking to up their game with the secrets needed to reach their full potential.
Big Bright Pearly Whites
No matter what part of the pageant process you’re up to, your smile is the first thing those you encounter are going to notice about you. So, if you want to stand out for all the right reasons, investing in quality teeth whitening isn’t just a good idea, it’s mandatory. A gleaming smile can go a long way to winning the judges over, especially since you won’t be speaking directly with them in many cases. Think of your grin as your greatest asset and maintain it accordingly.
A Unique Talent
Singing, dancing, poetry, and circus tricks have all been done to death in the pageant world, and to be honest, we’re not all cut out for them anyway. Instead of trying to force yourself into a preset box, find a talent that aligns with something you enjoy and are effortlessly good at. You’ll stand out not only because your talent is different from the conventional offerings but also because it will be clear that you actually like what you’re doing. As a bonus, it’ll make the whole experience far more fun and less stressful for you.
Giving Back
Another great way to stand out is by carefully selecting your charity and maximizing what you do for them. It’s easy to find ways to support a cause you genuinely care about, and this will shine through when you’re presenting during the pageant. Even if your current league doesn’t have a specific section for this type of thing, you’ll be able to work your charity into your interview and hopefully even get some of the audience or judges on-board with your cause.
Confidence and Elegance
Last, but certainly not least, confidence and elegance are key. Modern pageants are looking for well-rounded individuals who can positively represent themselves and the pageant. If you can’t project self-respect and certainty in what you stand for, you’ll be passed over for the next contestant. Elegance can be coached if required, but confidence comes from within, so if you’re not feeling too fabulous, make sure you take the time to reconnect with what you love about yourself. Only then will you be able to step up as the best version of yourself you can be.
At the end of the day, there would be no satisfaction in winning if pageants weren’t competitive. Blending in won’t get you anywhere, and standing out is more fun anyway! So, find your unique selling points and leverage them. These tips will provide a good starting point, but it’s how well you execute them that will really give you that special point of difference. Believe in yourself, always strive for improvement, and most importantly – smile, even if you don’t feel like it. It’ll help boost your confidence and do wonders for your look. Good luck!